The Dickson County Help Center & Thrift Store
Food Bank, Assistance Office & Thrift Store..."Neighbors Helping Neighbors in their time of need". Thank you for supporting our mission!
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If you have never had to ask for help with food for you or your family, you are very fortunate. Asking for food is often a hard, humbling experience, thats why we need your help! Our food pantry is desperately low and we are seeing about 100 families per week who are in need of food alone. Some families are families that recently lost jobs, who typically don't qualify for SNAP beneifits. Some are families caught in a temporary state of need or they are families who just don't make enough for food, medicine and daily expenses. Can you help?
The Dickson County Help Center & Thrift Store's cover photo
Thank you Dickson County! Together we are making a difference! The DCHC has been blessed to be a part of the amazing Community Effort!
The Dickson County Help Center & Thrift Store's cover photo
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Come join us today in Downtown Dickson as our community celebrates the 59th Annual Old Timers Day with the Parade starting at 10am. Tons of activities from exhibits, dancing, music, food vendors, games, kid for the whole family!
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Bank of Dickson
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Help us raise $5000 during the Big Payback so that we can purchase 2 Mobile Food Pantries(MFP) for Dickson County families! Each MFP feeds 250+ families! Please help us spread the word!
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This morning we were discussing how low our food pantry is and how we need to make an urgent plea for food. About an hour later Charlotte Fagan United Methodist Church came in with a truck load of food that they collected from their 5th Sunday Harvest Mission! We are so thankful!!! If you can make a donation to our Food Pantry, we would greatly appreciate it!
The Dickson County Help Center & Thrift Store's cover photo
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