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Ronald McDonald House Charities of Dayton

555 Valley St, Dayton, United States
Charity Organization



“When my dad puts his hand on my head I don’t feel sick anymore (I think he might be magic).”
~ An anonymous quote from a child whose parents stayed at RMHC Since it's inception in 1980, RMHC Dayton's doors of compassion have never closed and over 15,000 families have received support during their greatest time of need. We partner with all local hospitals that serve pediatric patients.

At RMHC Dayton, 500 families are served annually. In 2014, the Ronald McDonald House of Dayton supported 400 overnight guest families, totaling over 3,600 nights of support and over 700 adults and siblings.

The average stay for House guests is 7 to 9 nights. A family's stay can range anywhere from one night to 90 days. There is no maximum stay.

Annually, the Ronald McDonald House of the Miami Valley serves families from approximately 30 Ohio counties, 10 other states, and occasionally other countries.

Families staying at RMHC Dayton are able to rest, rejuvenate, and find support from other families sharing similar hopes and concerns.



Frenchies Modern Nail Care

Just a few days left to bring a wishlist item to Frenchies Modern Nail Care and receive 10% off your service! Frenchies will donate the items to RMHC Dayton!

Frenchies Modern Nail Care

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A huge thank you to Frenchies Modern Nail Care for giving free manicures to our moms in the Family Room at Dayton Children's. We truly appreciate the love and support you showed them 💕💅

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Help us fill our top wishlist needs this #WishlistWednesday! We appreciate any and all support! Donated items can be dropped off at 555 Valley St. or purchased through our Amazon wishlist (

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Photos from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Dayton's post

We had a blast clowning around with Ronald at the RMHC Golf Classic! ⛳️🤡 We're also very grateful to everyone who supported the event and to those who gave for our Fund-a-Night. Thank you all! #KeepingFamiliesClose

Photos from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Dayton's post

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Join Team RMHC Dayton in this year's Tour De Gem, Dayton's Cycling Classic! Help us reach our goal and keep families of hospitalized children close to the care they need! 🚲🚲#KeepingFamiliesClose Sign up here:

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Photos from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Dayton's post

We heard it's #InternationalDogDay and we're showing off these amazing service dogs that have or will change the life of a child and their family! 🐶💕 @4PawsForAbility

Photos from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Dayton's post

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The winner of the RMHC Golf Ball Drop was lucky ball number 183! The winner generously donated back their $2,070 split of the pot to help keep families together. Thank you!

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Life is tough, but so are you! #KeepingFamiliesClose #MondayMotivation

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More Family Room visits! Little Berkley spent the first month of her life in the NICU at Miami Valley, and during that time her family frequently used the Family Room inside Emmett’s Place to stay close to her. She’s now four months old and one happy and healthy baby! 💕

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Photos from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Dayton's post

It's back to school time, even for Kennedy! 🦒

Photos from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Dayton's post

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Five days out of the NICU and baby Nathan is growing big and strong ❤️

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Help us fill our top wishlist needs this #WishlistWednesday! We appreciate any and all support! Donated items can be dropped off at 555 Valley St. or purchased through our Amazon wishlist (

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