Signature Wholesale
Our goal is to show EVERYONE how to make big money by tapping into amazons 244,000,000 shoppers in their worldwide online market.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS<<<🔥🔥HUGE RESULTS ON AMAZON🔥🔥>>> Check out the last 8 days of sales, Thanks Tyler Callaway, for your expertise in amazon account management. By the way, how cool is it to be able to watch football with family and still be making money on a sunday!!! Contact us for more information on how you can get started selling on your very own #AMAZON seller account. (936)-760-4921
Make money, invest in amazon, repeat!
<<<<<HUGE RESULTS ON AMAZON>>>>> I've sold 161 pairs of shoes on amazon since 6/29/2017. I've made $12,906.08, with an average sales price of $80.00 per pair of shoes and I only payed around $35.00 per pair. The BEST part is, it literally takes little to NO effort on your end. Our clients can expect to see returns ranging from 35% - 55% in as little as 120 days. There is litterly no other investment out there that requires NO work on your end and yields returns like this. YOU INVEST, WE DO THE REST. #SIGNATUREWHOLESALE Don't wait any longer, the only regret you will have is that you didn't start sooner. Call me today @ (936)-760-4921 OR Message Us on Facebook.
Just finished packing up some products to send to amazon. Contact us if you're interested in making money by selling products on the largest online shopping site available to 3rd party sellers. With over 244,000,000 customers, there is plenty of room for YOU to make your piece of the pie. BEST part is, all you have to do is pay us for your products and we will do the rest. You can expect to see returns ranging from 35% - 55% in as little as 120 days!!! There is no better investment that requires ZERO effort on your end. Give us a call today and let's start building YOU a secure financial future. Christian Waldo - Owner (936)-760-4921 #SIGNATUREWHOLESALE #MONEY #INVESTMENTS