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120th AG BN (REC)

, Columbia, United States
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BN CDR: LTC Archie L. Bates, III
BN CSM: CSM Gilbert Sutton, Jr. In October 1946, Fort Jackson was chosen as one of the four Replacement Training Centers of the United States Army. In support of the new mission the United States Army Personnel Center was established, consisting of a Reception Station, a Personnel Center, and a Transfer Station.

The Reception Station processed all newly inducted personnel and prior service personnel who entered the Army from civilian life. Upon completion of processing, these individuals were transferred to units of the 5th Infantry Division for completion of their initial entry training.

All during the Korean conflict the Personnel Center processed inductees. Third US Army General Orders No. 92 re-established the United States Army Reception Station at Fort Jackson.

During the Army buildup of 1965, the Reception Station military cadre and civilian employees prepared for continuous operation to absorb the steadily climbing input. The Reception Station operated on a six-day work week to provide housing for the increased Reception Station population. A Holding Company was established on 3 December 1965 with 164 tents. This gave the Reception Station a housing capacity for 2,900 men.

On 1 April 1967, the United States Army Overseas Replacement Station became operational and was attached to the Reception Station. In Fiscal Year 1967, Fort Jackson processed over 103,000 receptees through the Reception Station. The current US Army Reception Station, Fort Jackson, opened for processing in its present location on August 10, 1970, and was officially dedicated on October 10, 1970. The station has since served as a model for other Reception Stations throughout the Army. The facility consolidated activities which formerly were spread out over several miles and housed in 15 different buildings. In 1987, the reception station was designated as the 120th Adjutant General (AG) Battalion (Reception) Complex in honor of the late Congressman L. Mendel Rivers.

The 120th AG BN (REC) traces its lineage to the Territory of Hawaii where it was constituted and then active on 15 March 1945 at Fort Shafter. The battalion performed with distinction in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater and received WW II Campaign Participation Credit and was awarded the Meritorious Unit Commendation. The battalion was re-activated on 30 May 1987 and was organized at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

The mission of the 120th AG BN (REC) is to receive, process, motivate and begin the transformation of Army accessions, prior service, Initial Entry Training (IET), and transitioning Soldiers to Training, the Operational Army, and the Civilian Sector. This mission is accomplished through three Basic Combat (BCT) processing companies, a fitness training company, an Airborne Orientation Course (AOC), an Arabic Linguist English as a Second Language Training and Testing platoon, a BCT medical hold platoon, and a trainee discharge detachment.

Today, Fort Jackson is the largest of all the Army’s BCT locations, making the 120th AG BN (REC) the Army’s busiest reception station, handling well over 50% of the entire Army’s Basic Training mission.


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***For 120th Cadre and DA Civilians only***

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