Sumits Yoga Colleyville
Sumit’s Yoga was created by Sumit Banerjee based on his own years of experience practicing and teaching various yoga styles, including Bikram and Vinyasa.
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facebook.comWe are so excited about this Saturday July 29!! Schedule is up and running on mindbody app👉🏼👉🏼so sign up NOW!! All classes are FREE!!!🙌🏼💥💥💥 Second Year Anniversary Party!! Woot!! #bringallyourfriends #freeyoga #sumitsyogacolleyville #partytime #wootwoot
As requested Heather's playlists for past couple weeks!!
Are you hot yet?? Feel like doing this all day instead of yoga @sumitscolleyville ?! We totally understand, BUT believe it or not- HOT yoga helps you more than you realize this time of year. You're ability to hydrate, tolerate the heat and find your breath during extra hot moments will be that much better by getting in the room!! Sounds crazy but it does work- then you can sleep sound like our sweet Lucy when you're done☺️😴🐕#sumitsyogacolleyville #babyitshotoutside🔥 #butstillyogaeverydamnday
Happy Thursday. What is your #morningmantra ? Manifest your truth on your mat. You are STRONG. You are BEAUTIFUL. You are ENOUGH. #powerofmantras #powerofmanifestation #sumitsyogacolleyville💙🙏🏻
Hey lovelies!🌹Join us today @sumitscolleyville for our second Sculptt class of the week starting today! So now two chances for sculpt- Every Thursday 12 pm & Sat. 2:30 pm! Followed up by the $5 community class at 4;15 pm! #thatsright #twosculptclasses #everySat2:30 #everyThurs12 #sumitsyogacolleyville #sumitsstrong #yogawithweights #hotyoga #colleyville #southlake 🌹
We can't believe it's been almost TWO full years since our Grand Opening!! Wow time FLIES when you're in love. We LOVE our growing yoga community . Over the past two years we have truly grown into a family here @sumitscolleyville and we're truly endeared to the beautiful souls that make up this #yogafamily 💙✨💙 So let's celebrate #colleyville!! 🎉 be on the LOOK OUT 👀for details about our anniversary party @ the end of July coming soon!! It's going to be a great day of giveaways, food& drinks, GLOW yoga & MORE!! 🙌🏼👏🏻🎉🎉💙 And here's to another great year to come 🥂#sumitsyogacolleyville #twoyearsgoingstrong #chaseyourdreams #SUMITSyogaeverydamnday 👊🏼
We had some ahhhmazing sweaty Fourth of July flowing goin' on yesterday @syc! 🇺🇸😅👌🏼💦 This day and everyday we are grateful for all who have served and all of you! 🙏🏻✨❤️#syc #happyindependenceday #happysweatyyogis #sumitsyoga #letfreedomring🔔
Our schedule for the 4th of July Holiday! Sign up for the Tuesday class asap w/Heather! It fills up fast! #happyindependenceday #merica #blesstheusa🗽🎇#yogaeverydamnday #sumitsyogacolleyville ❤️🗽🇺🇸💙
Yes you! 👉🏼👊🏼Come try a class today!! Only $5 community class 4:15 pm! Push past your own limits you never know what you're capable of until you try!! #justshowup #thatsthehardestpart🙌 #nolimits #sumitsyogacolleyville #practicedaily #communityclass #todayonly #$5 #syc💜🕉
Practice and ALL is coming. Happy #internationaldayofyoga . #sumitsyogacolleyville #yogaeveryday #practiceandalliscoming #namasteॐ 🙏🏻
Practice and ALL is coming. Happy #internationaldayofyoga . #sumitsyogacolleyville #yogaeveryday #practiceandalliscoming #yogaislife #namasteॐ 🙏🏻
We have NEW teachers!! And they're AMAZING!! Come check out one of they're classes soon. You will love them maybe as much as we do!! @robinworleycsr @lisasearfoss70 #newteachers #theyarerockstars #andwillkickurbums 👊🏼💥❤️