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Bellmont Farms

P O Box 26461, Collegeville, United States
Urban Farm



We are producers of organic fertilizers, soil amendments, and soil-less potting mixes. We are also backyard poultry experts and sell all kinds of poultry.  We are a producer of quality organic fertilizers and potting mixes made with organic ingredients like chicken manure and shredded leaves. We have a signature line made from 100% worm castings called Wacky Worm Juice and Wacky Worm Juice Concentrate. They are available in 1-gallon, 5-gallon, or 50-gallon containers. We also sell Chickens, pullets, chicks, composting worms, mealworms, ducks, geese, and Turkeys. We raise our own composting worms and our own free-range, pastured, organic chickens. No chemicals added during any part of the process! Safe, all-natural, and cost-effective solutions to the over-application of chemical-based fertilizers!!



We finally have Cream Legbars available!! These Auto sexing British imports are the hottest trend in Backyard Poultry. We love them for their good looks and amazing personalities. Plus their feathered combs are so cool!! These started pullets are 15-weeks-old and will be ready to lay amazing BLUE eggs for you and your family in short order. Call for pricing and availability (fairly expensive but competitively priced).

Birds available during month of August:

Our turkeys are super-friendly! They really do make great pets and will be a wonderful addition to your backyard poultry flock.

As soon as Japanese Beetle season is over, these birds will be offered for sale.

FYI: turkeys love Japanese Beetles! Here they are in their daily search for free grub ( and other bugs- this week it's Beetles).

On daily patrol for free protein, aka insects & bugs. Look up turkeys, there are hawks in your airspace!

Started Pullets available- we even have started Turkeys!! Many heritage breeds to choose from. Call now- don't delay as we have limited supplies available for the remainder of the summer.

Easter Eggers available starting today!!😀 That is correct- we now have started Pullets ready for immediate pick up. These Easter Eggers will be ready to lay in no time; large, colorful farm-fresh eggs (actually backyard-fresh eggs)!! Don't delay, order yours today.

We had another successful hatching at Bellmont Farms!! We now have a brooder full of week-old heritage turkeys that need to be sold asap! Call now for pricing and availability.

Turkey poults available!!

We have heritage turkeys available!! There are one-month-old bourbon reds, standard bronze, and Royal Palm's available. We are training them each day and they are already super friendly. They will make a wonderful addition to your backyard flock. Our birds are not for eating, they are for enjoying along side your other feathered friends. Turkeys also make great protectors of your chickens as they prevent, or at least deter, the Hawks from landing in your chicken run. If you free range, please consider adding a turkey to your backyard flock.


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