Elizabeth Street Church of God Clinton, SC
The Elizabeth Street Church of God, Clinton SC is a traditional Pentecostal church that is part of the Church of God denomination from Cleveland, TN.
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facebook.comWe’ve got a lot of different things going on at church so be sure to get a newsletter. Beginning today Sunday October 1st, we will only be printing a monthly newsletter and calendar. No more weekly announcement sheets will be printed. So please make sure you know what’s happening so you can be a part. This months events are as follows: -Wedding Shower today October 1st at 2:30pm in the Fellowship Hall for Cody Koon and Rachel Robinson. -October Prayer Meeting Monday October 2nd at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. -NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL class begins October 8th for Single Adults and young Married Couples. Class will be held in the former Ladies Classroom. -Ladies Meeting Sunday October 8th at 4:45 in the Fellowship Hall. -Homecoming Sunday October 15th featuring guest speaker and singer Bishop Vernon Lebuhn. Sunday School and Morning Worship will be the same time as usual. If you can bring a dish please sign the signup sheet on the Remembrance Table. Everyone is also asked to bring a desert and tea or drink with your dish. If you can help setup or cleanup please sign the list on the Remembrance Table. No Evening Service on the day of Homecoming. -Sunday October 22nd at 5:00 there will be a Financial Business meeting held in the Sanctuary for all members and regular tithe payers. -Wednesday October 25th will begin our new monthly Fellowship and Bible Study. All adults will meet in the Fellowship Hall for a time for Bible Study, light refreshments, and fellowship. Teens, kids clubs and boys club will all meet in the gym for food, fun, and games. This will be held the last Wednesday night of every month. So invite a friend! -Sunday Evening Fifth Sunday Night Singing Sunday October 29th at 6:00 pm featuring our local church singers. Each singer that wants to sing please have one song practiced and ready to sing. Be here between 5-5:30 to get your music set and in the lineup. -Annual Trunk or Treat Community Outreach will be held on Tuesday October 31st. Come dressed in your best costumes (preferably non-scary) and please feel free to decorate the trunks of your cars. Also bring PLENTY of CANDY for the kids because each year we have hundreds of kids that come through and we want to be able to bless them. We will have games, popcorn, drinks, information about Jesus our Lord and our church, as well as plenty of candy and fun for all! THERE’S A TON GOING ON THIS MONTH AND PLENTY OF OPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECT WITH OTHERS AND GET INVOLVED. So make note of all of these announcements and we will see you there!
Two great services today and great crowd both services. We took up $775.00 off the floor this morning to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Had a productive Ladies Meeting, but most of all two souls were saved tonight! Praise God for the two souls that have now been added to the Kingdom. God is so good!
Prayer Service for National Day of Prayer in tribute to Hurricane Harvey victims.
Dear church folks: If you're looking for an opportunity to give to those in need due to Hurricane Harvey, we will be receiving a special offering on Sunday September 10th during Morning Worship to be sent through Church of God Headquarters to those who are suffering at this most tragic time. So please be praying about what God would have you give, and let's receive a great offering to help those who have lost everything. https://www.facebook.com/bishoptimothymhill/videos/1952511515038233/
Don't forget Midweek worship tonight at 7! Youth meet in the gym, Pioneers for Christ and Kids Club Classes meet in the Annex, and adults meet in the sanctuary. Pastor Morgan will continue his study in Thessalonians. Don't miss out on your Midweek opportunity to refuel.
One of the sweetest things about VBS this year was the craft that the kids made. Their craft was to make bears that were to be donated to children in need. We chose to donate our bears to the SC Church of God Home for Children. Twenty-five bears for twenty-five precious children. Each bear was individually decorated and personalized with a special message tucked away inside, along with the child's name written on them. We also donated flashlights with our VBS Bible Verse Buddy attached to them, as well as special bracelets and candy. We were so thrilled to share our VBS with the Home for Children and we pray that the children will feel the love of Jesus when they hold the bears close to their hearts.