First Baptist Clinton
Love God and extend HIS love to ALL people! First Baptist Church Believes In Putting F.I.R.S.T. Things First
Instruction from God
Rejoicing together
Sharing ourselves
Telling others about God’s love
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facebook.comIt could be a messy day. Why not begin it with worship of the living God and the sacred rite of baptism? Join us! 301 S Broad Street, Clinton, SC.
The beauty in the picture above is taking her first steps publicly into our faith! The picture was taken during a "Parent-Child Dedication Service" several years ago. What a "Parent-Child Dedication Service"? It's a service during which parents make a decision for their children--to raise them in Christ, to teach them well, to live a godly example before them, to pray for them and love them as God's gifts. Tomorrow morning during our 11:00 service Micah affirms her own commitment to the Lord her parents serve and love. Join us!
We will ordain five new deacons to the ministry of serving the church. David Barnes, Michael Blanton, Grahame Burrows, Patrick Castaneda, and Gill Thomas. Ordinations are always special times of sharing and reminders. Join us.
A time of prayer, hope, and joy for our educators and students. Join us as we bless and send off college students, educators, and students of all ages. Are you a teacher, a home-schooling parent, or a professor? A junior in college, a middle-schooler, or just starting kindergarten? Join us for a special time of prayer and dedication @ 8:30 and 11:00.
Parenting is so hard. There are many books out there on the subject and almost everyone has some advice for how you might raise your child. But are there some foundational principles on which we can rely? This Sunday First Baptist begins a new series for parents called "Limitless Lies." Our culture has convinced parents of some dangerous principles when it comes to our children. In this series we'll debunk some of them. Join us this Sunday, August 6 for "Limitless Lies." Credit: Brindley Katherine Harwell for the graphic
Part of our Cuba team left this morning on a bus. They will be working with children, teens, and adults, sharing their faith in all kinds of ways. Dr. Tom will be sharing his faith using his optometric skills. Braeden and Austin will be PREACHING at some point (they're nervous--pray for them, please). Others will be working with sports clinics (Donnie, Ginger, Kayleigh), or striking up conversations with Cubans on the street and worshipping with them in their homes.
The initiation to the Christian life is baptism--it marks us as Jesus' people.
All Laurens County friends--there are homeless families right here where we live. Do you want to impact them positively? Join us tomorrow night, Tuesday, June 20 at Bailey Manor.
What is Family Promise of Laurens County? Do you want to know more about the "movement" in our community to help the homeless families with children in LAURENS COUNTY? Find out how you can join your neighbors to make a major difference in the lives of others! You are invited to attend this information meeting! Bring a friend!
One of our own published (again!). I'd like to read this piece (please?). Congratulations Becky Shenton! Douglas Shenton Your pastor is proud of you! 😊