Top Local Places

Clinton, MS. 39056

100 W Main St, Clinton, United States



Clinton MS 39056 All persons with a vested interest in the Clinton, MS. area are welcome to this site.

Posts are to be respectful... Enjoy your time here and post often. Thank you!  We invite you to SHARE about Clinton, MS!  LOCAL Businesses and Services are encouraged ... let us know what's happening and we can spread the word.

Add as many Clintonians as you can  = ) If you have special memories, or places you want to share, feel free.

What brings the smile to your eyes when you think of Clinton, MS?
Is it Home? the Historic District, brick streets, markets, family, friends or neighbors? Or maybe school, work or play? Share with us your thoughts of our "Home Town" and make others Smile, (But don't tell ALL their secrets!)
;) After all, Clinton, MS.  IS "The Smiley Face On The Map!"
Thanks Y'all <3
