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Body By Hannah

282 N Ocoee St, Cleveland, United States
Personal Trainer



One on one, semi-private training and group training. A boutique fitness studio in Cleveland,TN!  Hannah Davis, certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS), will always be a coastal Carolinian at heart.  Born and raised in North Carolina, Hannah first fell in love with weight training in high school when she was just 17 years old. She ran cross country, played soccer and was a cheerleader - but nothing fascinated her quite as much as weight training. She graduated from UNC-Greensboro with a degree in drama and left to chase her acting dreams in New York City.  After a couple daytime drama tv appearances and a few stage gigs, she started working at a talent agency.

Trapped behind a desk and the politics of the industry, Hannah found herself suffering from “real world” anxiety that was no longer being managed by daily trips to the gym - her meditative time. A year into working with the agency, she had a eureka moment when she decided she wanted to be doing something with her life that would improve someone else's quality of life. There was one thing she knew she was really good at, and it was understanding how and why exercise and nutrition played such a remarkable role in complete wellness. She left the desk job and enrolled in The Academy of Personal Training in NYC, where she graduated at the top of her class.

Hannah’s many certifications enable her to work with clients who are training for weight loss, muscle hypertrophy, corrective exercise, specific sport, and pre/post natal. Hannah has worked with children, athletes, young professionals and the elderly. She is experienced with addressing a variety of limitations that clients may have. Her background in nutrition also adds a strong component to creating a more complete training program.

Hannah served as the fitness expert on the advisory board for Cosmopolitan Magazine and has contributed to publications and books including Women's Health Magazine, Cosmopolitan, SELF, Yahoo Health, and the Rodale-published book, Shape Up Shortcuts. She has appeared on NYC's Fox 5 and NY 1.

Currently, Hannah lives in Cleveland, TN where she trains privately in her studio located in downtown Cleveland.


Here's a challenging quick at home workout you can do with a pair of dumbbells & your stairs! For each exercise, complete 10 reps total or per side for 3 rounds. Ask your questions below👇

We could not be more proud of this BBH Studio couple! Anna and Kurt have remained faithful to living a healthier life with more nutritious eating habits and consistent weight training and cardio in #BodyFit classes. Not only have the transformed physically but their energy levels are SO much better and they have overcome muscular imbalances that were previously causing them joint pain! They are an inspiration to us all!!

We love this so much!!! YOU are doing the work @benjaminclark, we just love guiding you 👊🏽#bbhclients

Happy National Womens Health and Fitness Day 👊🏽 Share YOUR favorite wellness tip (maybe how you stay focused on your health during a busy week) below and tag ONE fitness bud! Let's spend a moment supporting other women's health and fitness goals! We are stronger, together!

My favorite thing about Fall? Carolina Panthers football! 👊🏽 More outdoor runs and workouts with @stellafitnessdog and weekend festivals are a close second!! Comment below what your favorite things are about Fall? ⤵️

The battle of your thoughts is won by whichever thoughts you give the most attention to. Today, I choose to focus on having a joyful heart and anticipate what amazingness is to come! ....and carrot juice, for its benefits of helping brain health and cognitive function 😜(See my story for more reasons to include carrots in your diet) Have a great Thursday you guys! What thoughts will YOU choose to focus on today?

There are a few slots still available in the FREE yoga class instructed by Callie on Friday evening at 5:30!! Sign up using the Body By Hannah app!

"Toning up" requires building muscles. Lifting moderately heavy to heavy weights that stress your muscle tissue will build muscle while your healthy diet and active lifestyle will contribute to lower body fat and contribute to that "toned" look. Please don't shy away from lifting heavier weights because you are afraid of bulking up. Fairy weights and tons of cardio is the misinformed approach too many women are still taking to try and reach their "toned body" results. Go get after it ladies! Be 💪🏻 strong. Happy Monday!

Add this awesome core focused exercise to your workout. 🔥Happy Friday folks! What active fun do you have planned for the weekend??

"What if I fall, oh my darling, but what if you fly"

Beginner Yoga with Callie

FREE Beginner Yoga Series at Body. By Hannah Studio - Starts Saturday!!! 🙏🏼


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