iDream Space
iDream Space (IDS) is a Sino-US cross boarder one-stop service center, located in City of Industry, California.
[For tour request, please send email to] iDream Space (IDS) is a Sino-US cross-border one-stop service center. It was established by Mr.Wang Bolin in October 2016 at City of Industry, California, covering an area of 1.96 acres with a 40,000 sqft building. Total investment is over $15 million dollars. The building is divided into two main areas with more than 300 office spaces and several unique event venues. iDream Space is a platform to provide industry-wide chain services to innovative companies. As a diversified investment institution, iDream Space advocated cross-border consumption upgrade to complete the construction of self-sustaining business ecosystem and preliminarily form a collaborative community with more than 100 enterprises centered around a joint office workspace. On September 30th, iDream Space celebrated its grand opening. As of 2017, iDream Space has covered 20 cities with 78 locations in around the globe. In the future, iDream Space will take advantage of the globalized business strategy with plans to set up branches in different cities. iDream Space, the place where the dream begins. Please join us to make your dreams come true!
iDream Space夢空間中美跨境一站式服務中心是以整合跨境資源,提供一站式服務爲核心,由100余家企業構成的跨境生態社群。夢空間占地9萬呎,共分五個區域,分別是活動區、互聯網區、品牌區、服務區、及新媒體區。目前,夢空間通過線上線下一體化,爲跨境人群提供一站式服務。夢空間給入駐企業提供的主要業務內容分爲:辦公空間、活動中心、會員服務、跨境一站式服務産品等。 截止目前,夢空間累計投資達1億元人民幣,以物理空間爲平台,爲創新企業提供全産業鏈服務,以構建國際一流的一站式服務中心爲目標,建設機遇社群的商業社交平台和資源配置平台,充分激發城市創造力階層的創新活力,是目前全球首家跨境一站式服務中心。夢空間,華人在海外的家,一個夢開始的地方。
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facebook.comThis January 25th, Cybertegic will hold a seminar here at iDream Space that will cover topics such as Yelp, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and how all these can grow your business. There will also be guest speakers who will give some useful insights and tips, so don't miss out! Get Tickets Here: 世博網絡將在1月25日於iDreamSpace夢空間舉辦數位行銷講座,講座內容包含如何運用Yelp, Facebook, Instagram以及LinkedIn成長生意,提升業績!屆時還有特別嘉賓將分享成長生意的小訣竅,千萬不要錯過! 訂票網址:
FanFan (Christine Fan) "On the Road to Happiness" Concert in Pasadena 范玮琪“在幸福路上”演唱会即将登陆 Date:Fri 1/26 @ 7:30pm Venue:The Pasadena Civic,Pasadena, CA Get Tickets:
Check out iDreamSpace at CES 2018 in Las Vegas, the most exciting event for all those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies.
Want to learn how AI technology can help you find your job? Join us on January 27th with guest speaker Mentor X, as he brings in the latest AI technology and experienced career consultants to help you in your career path. This exciting event will take place at iDreamSpace between 2-4pm. Check out the event page here: and QR Code for more details.
May all of you be filled with happiness and laughter in 2018. Happy New Year!🎊🎉🍾️
iDream Space Cup Super Kids - International kids #modeling & #acting competition, associating with YYS Tech and Oceana Blue Productions, achieved a perfect ending yesterday. These little angels also consummated their 2017s in the last few days of the year. This is not simply a contest, but a stage that brings the kids to a higher level and mature. At the same time, iDream Space would like to thank all of you for the greatest support. We will do better! See you in 2018, and #HAPPYNEWYEAR!
"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock. Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time." The Christmas gift from iDream Space for #IDS members has arrived at #Nasdaq in Time Square, New York. We sincerely appreciate your greatest support all along. Merry Christmas! #iDreamSpace #TimesSquare #NewYork
Christmas is all around us.
Keller Williams Realty's Christmas party was held at iDream Space last night. #KWatIDS #MerryChristmas
Thank you iDream Space #family! 💗💗💗🎅🏼🎄❄️#IDSXmasParty17
Birthday Month December - Happy Birthday to these cute iDream Space dreamers! #family
iDream Space Cup Super Kids - International kids #modeling & #acting competition comes to a great success in yesterday's semifinal. For these little angels, competition is not about winning. It's taking part that counts. They #laugh, #cry, #grow, and #harvest. Instead of being timid and shy, each of them becomes #brave, #confident, and #shiny. This is true meaning of Super Kids competition. Sincere thanks to significant support from all of you, parents, judges, promulgate award guests, and the most importantly, staffs behind the camera. Now, let's look forward to final competition at the end of year and more surprises iDream Space will bring in 2018. Please please stay tuned and see you soon! 夢空間杯 - 少兒國際模特大賽在昨天的半決賽中順利結束了。對這些小天使來說,比賽重在參與,幷不在輸贏。他們笑過、哭過,成長並且收獲了。經過這次比賽,他們不再膽小害羞,而是變得勇敢、自信且閃耀。這才是本次比賽的真諦。由衷地感謝來自各界對夢空間的極大支持 - 家長們、評委們、頒獎嘉賓們,還有最重要的是我們的幕後工作人員,謝謝您們! 現在,請然我們一起期待年底的最後一場總決賽和夢空間在2018年給您帶來的更多驚喜吧。不要走開,馬上回來哦!