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Miami Valley Geckos, LLC

, Cincinnati, United States
Pet services



Small scale gecko breeder providing high quality pets  


Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

Groot is looking especially awesome tonight. We got our first two gargoyle eggs of the season yesterday!

Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

Time for the yearly reminder. Remember, with the warmer months coming up be extra careful with monitoring your crested gecko's temperature. Even a room at 70 degrees can be too hot if your gecko is in direct sunlight. A thermometer is a good investment and can be bought for as little as $10, with the ability to also monitor humidity. Just place it next to your gecko's tank and keep an eye on it. Any temperature over 82 degree F should be addressed as soon as possible. Also remember to never leave a gecko in the car, temperatures rise very quickly and can prove fatal. It is also a good idea to keep your gecko away from the air vents. In the winter the hot air coming from the vents is dry and may overheat your gecko. In the summer the air conditioned air is dry and can reduce the temperature in the gecko's tank to dangerous levels.

Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

Mozie and Medusa together. At this angle you can see how "hairy" Medusa is.

Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

Ivysaur is on hold. The pattern on this little guy seems to increase every day.

Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

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Likitongue is another hold-back we are excited about.

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Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

Jaq is a hold-back. Its crests are starting to develop quite nicely.

Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

Mina is a red and cream female. Hopefully a first time momma this year. She really put on the weight this winter.

Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

Mudusa starting to lay her eggs with Papa Mozie looking on.

Photos from Miami Valley Geckos, LLC's post

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The Chahuoas!

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The Gargoyles!

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