First Baptist Church Chillicothe
First Baptist Church was founded in 1824 and is the oldest black baptist church west of the Allegheny Mountains. First Baptist is the church where people matter! Rev Eric Carson Pastor
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2nd Baptist Church of Circleville, Ohio
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Don't forget to come out tonight for your midweek fill up! 7 pm!
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All are welcome !
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Vacation Bible School Recognition for Deaconess Judy Tanner 51 years as Director.
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Baptismal Fellowship
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Baptismal Service
Sermon Title: The Church is the Light Sermon Scripture: 1John 1:5 Peter said you are the one, The Messiah, The Christ. Jesus said let there be & there was. When God builds his church it is to declare his light. Our faith is transformational...our faith helps us to overcome the dens of lions. One Faith : One Lord. In essence he touches us to enable us to touch others.. A women with the issue if blood reached out and touched Jesus. We are called to bring others to faith. The church must know who God is....Jesus still heals, saves & delivers & Jesus is coming back John teaches rightousness vs. sin He proclaims the good news in this letter to the church. John teaches fellowship and relationship with God. God is light... & in him there is no darkness. Darkness is the absence of light. We must be the light & walk in the light.Holiness and sin can't share the same space. 1.) How do we maintain the Power to keep our light shining? Know who you are in Christ. When were baptized we come out different. Faith changes us way of thinking. If any man be in Christ he is a new creature. 2.) Its not about us. We've been bought with a price. Our sins forgiven....It's Christian's job to shine the light. So the world can see Christ through us. Prov. 3. God will direct our path 3. Maintain our power. Stay in the word. Recharge your battery to carry the light of hope. Stay connected to the power source..
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