Ste Rose de Lima Parish
Ste. Rose de Lima Parish is a Roman Catholic Church in Chicopee Massachusetts.
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Lenten Season begins, Wednesday March 1st. Please join us this Ash Wednesday. Ashes will be distributed at Mass: 7:00AM, 9:00AM and 6:30PM
Good Morning! CCD for December 12th has been canceled for Middle School and 9th Grade.
Ste. Rose Parish to host Annual 9/11 Memorial Mass in Chicopee 9/11 Memorial Mass The 10th Annual deanery-wide Memorial Mass, honoring the memory of the innocent victims and brave heroes, who perished during the tragic terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, will be offered at 5:00 P.M. on Sunday, September 11th at Ste. Rose Church, located at 600 Grattan St. in the Aldenville section of Chicopee. This solemn service is sponsored, annually, by the Catholic Parishes of Chicopee and Ludlow ~ 9/11 Memorial Mass Committee. Members of police and fire departments have been invited to attend, not only to thank them for their service, but also, by their presence, that we may honor the memory of those first responders … police, firefighters and emergency medical technicians, who, selflessly, gave their lives in an attempt to save others on that horrific day. Similarly, members of veterans groups and current members of our military have been invited to thank them for their service, past and present, and, by their presence, that we may honor the memory of those members of our armed forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan as they responded to the events of 9/11/01. Please join us as we gather, together, to raise our voices in prayer, not only for the victims … who, simply, went to work on that day, 9/11/01, and never came home, whether they were in the towers, on the planes, at the pentagon or, were the brave first responders … but, also, for the families and friends whom they have left behind. A light meal will follow, in the parish hall, immediately following the Mass. All are welcome! A free-will donation will be accepted, for the benefit of the hunger ministry at Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen & Pantry, to help “feed the hungry” in the greater Chicopee area. Ample parking is available, on-street, in the parish school lots across the street and in the St. Pierre-Phaneuf Chapel lots on Lafayette St. Log on to or call 413-335-4924, for further information
Please join us this year at our annual Ste. Rose de Lima Parish Picnic Saturday, September 10th Noon - 5:30PM Knights of Columbus #69, Granby Rd Chicopee, MA
Please join us Saturday, September 10th for our Annual Parish Picnic!