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New Home Missionary Baptist Church

2809 13th Ave, Chattanooga, United States
Baptist Church



CHRIST - COURAGE - COMMITMENT All “New Home Church Members” and Friends of the “New Home Baptist Church”, this is our official church facebook page. Click the "Like" button today, and join the community of believers who desire to use “social media” to the Glory of God. Here is where many future sermons (video, audio and manuscript) will be posted, for your personal edification and as a means, for you to share with other friends and family. You will be able to forward links to individuals whom God has given you a desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let’s get started today… using this technology as a means to encourage and point individuals to our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.


The Power Of A Woman's Witness

The Power Of A Woman's Witness: Yes, today's Woman's Day Celebration was honored by this God-glorifying sermon, preached by the New Home Church's Pastor, Pastor G.M. Spotts. His sermon was concerning how one woman's witness shook the city. Stop and take a moment and listen from start to end, and be encouraged on how God can take a sin-filled woman and use both her and her witness to bring great glory to His Holy name.

The Power Of A Woman's Witness

"Sit-down somewhere, don't you know He's your fortress!"

"Sit-down somewhere, don't you know He's your fortress!" You must hear this powerful sermon preached by New Baptist Church's beloved Elder, Elder Cortez Stokes. Elder Stokes takes Psalm 91:1-2, an under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he preached a God-glorifying, and people encouraging message.

"Sit-down somewhere, don't you know He's your fortress!"

New Home Mass Choir - Praise Jehova - Soloist: Vanessa Spotts.

New Home Mass Choir - Praise Jehova - Soloist: Vanessa Spotts. Please Share, Comment, Love or Like...

New Home Mass Choir - Praise Jehova - Soloist: Vanessa Spotts.

Who is the Church?

Who is the Church? This question was both asked and answered in today's Sunday morning sermon, preached by our beloved brother and friend, Elder Jeffery Wilkerson. Join us today as we learn the answer to the question: "Who is the Church?"

Who is the Church?

Who is the Church? This question was both asked and answered in today's Sunday morning sermon, preached by our beloved brother and friend, Elder Jeffery Wilkerson. Join us today as we learn the answer to the question: "Who is the Church?"

Last Night of the Conferance

Last Night of the Conferance

Photos from New Home Missionary Baptist Church's post

I love my church. Wednesday night bible study is about to start. Come join us, every Wednesday at 7pm. Our Pastor has been teaching a series on biblical “Unity.” Our church is becoming more and more unified as a result.

Photos from New Home Missionary Baptist Church's post

Defining Grace: Day 3 Evening Session (Taught Word)

Sovereign Grace Bible Conference Defining Grace: Day 5 Evening Session (Taught Word) Elder Herman Washington, NY

Defining Grace: Day 3 Evening Session (Taught Word)

Photos from New Home Missionary Baptist Church's post

So sorry, but there will be no video posting of today’s conference. Shannon and I are traveling to Miami International Airport to pick up our daughter (Sophia) and her friend, Kelly, who are returning from Brazil. Please pray God’s traveling grace. LORD willing, we will return in time for Thursday’s evening session. We will be sure to post the last of Elder Washington’s lessons, later that evening.

Photos from New Home Missionary Baptist Church's post

Defining Grace: Day 3 Evening Session (Preached Word)

Sovereign Grace Bible Conference Defining Grace: Day 3 Evening Session (Preached Word) Elder Marcus Underwood, KY

Defining Grace: Day 3 Evening Session (Preached Word)

Defining Grace: Day 3 Evening Session (Taught Word)

Sovereign Grace Bible Conference Defining Grace: Day 3 Evening Session (Taught Word) Elder Herman Washington, NY

Defining Grace: Day 3 Evening Session (Taught Word)

Defining Grace: Day 3 Morning Session (Preached Word)

Sovereign Grace Bible Conference Defining Grace: Day 3 Morning Session (Preached Word) Elder Eric Waldon, OH

Defining Grace: Day 3 Morning Session (Preached Word)


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