Divine Purity
We handcraft SELF CARE products made with Pure and Simple ingredients that will nurture your mind, body, and soul.
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Up steeping the hubs some tea made with #elderberries, linden flower (herb) and #lemon. A powerful combination for fighting off colds and #congestion. #Elderberry has anti-inflammatory, #antiviral, anti-influenza & /anticancer properties.It has been used to boost the immune system. Linden is used for colds, stuffy nose, sore throat, breathing problems (bronchitis), headaches, fever, and mucus relief. Lemon reduces phlegm. #divinepurity #naturalremedy #teaforhealth #teaforthesoul #immunesystem #lindenflower #drsebi #alkalineherbs #feelbetter #herbaltea
Our Schedule: Monday - Friday (10a-6p) Saturday (10a-2p) 739 Ashland Terrace Ste. 208 Chattanooga TN 37415 Saturday (3/18) Chattanooga River Market, starts!! (store closed) Saturday (3/25) Chattanooga River Market (store closed) Friday (4/7) Franklin Art Scene (store closed) Saturday and Sunday (4/8-9) Camp Jordan for The Master Gardeners Exp. (store closed) #grindtime #abudance #amanthatdoesnotworkdoesnoteat
Don't allow the world to limit the infinite being that you are!!
I just want to say THANK YOU all for your support. We could NOT do this without you!
All Natural Deodorant Making Class
For those in the Chattanooga area...
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I stay manifesting fly ish... #DivinePurity #manifest #bedope #queen #goddess #bedopetoday #stayfly #nolimits #limitless #abundance #happiness #wholeness #royalty #healing #positivity #iamlight #locqueen #Friday #lifeisgreat
Since I have had multiple request on selling the deodarant I make...I have decided to host a class to teach you how to make your own. It will be a make and take session. I'll provide everything you need...stay tuned for more info...and please like the status if you'd be interested in attending. There will be a charge for the class.
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We make #hotprocess #beard and shaving soap. As part of our Divine Man Collection.Our soaps will leave your face and beard soft, moisturized and lightly fragranced. #divinepurity #beardcare #divineman #thedivinemancollection #shavingsoap #hotprocess #manly #hesmellsgreat #madeinchattanooga #madeintennessee #handcrafted #hotprocesssoap #giftsforhim #beardandstache #classicman #shavesoap
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Our shoppe will be closed today. We will resume regular business hours tomorrow.
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Our all natural Chafed Skin Balm softens dry and chapped skin in an instant. Perfect for lips, eczema, and scars and your heels. #DivinePurity #cocoabutter #skinbalm #softskin #soothing #eczema #skinbalm #heels #heal #footcare #crackedheels #chafedskin #skin #feet #madeintennessee #madeinchattanooga #Chattanooga #boutique
We make EVERYTHING from scratch...one ingredient at a time.