Charlestown Congregational Church - NH
We are a community of faithful Christians who seek through worship, study, mission, stewardship and fellowship to know God and to work together to serve God, the Community and each other. We acknowledge Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior. We accept the Holy Scriptures as our rule of faith and practice. We recognize the privilege and duty of uniting for the public worship of God, the enjoyment of Christian Baptism and Holy Communion, for education and fellowship, and for the advancement of God's Kingdom in the World. We do solemnly covenant and agree to be a church of our Lord Jesus Christ as warranted in Holy Scripture. The congregation support mission programs in the community, the state, the nation, and throughout the world. We offer a full program of Christian education for all ages. Sunday School is held during the service for children and youth. Adult Bible Study is offered weekly and is led by the minister. Our choir rehearses weekly before church services and fills the sanctuary with angelic music. Our weekly service of worship begins at 10 A. M. and includes hymns, prayers, a children's message, scripture, offering, and sermon in a setting of Colonial New England which is noted for its fellowship and hospitality. Fellowship and a coffee hour follows our weekly worship service. Communion is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of each month. Nestled outside the southeast corner of the church is our Memory Garden.
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