843 Korean BBQ & Sushi House
KOREAN BBQ, KOREAN FOOD, SUSHI, SOJU, KARAOKE, PRIVATE EVENTS. One&OnlyKBBQ. AYCEKBBQ Korean Restaurant that serves traditional authentic Korean food. 2 different seating; one for dining and one for Korean Barbecue with grills at the tables. Sushi Bar and Full Bar with a private room for events and parties.
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Nerium Marketing Party!!!!
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My 843 Dinner
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Banchan Line-up!!!! #koreanfood #sidedishes #banchan #kimchi #beansprouts #pickles
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I just want some #hamachi #sashimi tonight for dinner
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Jessica's Favorite Sushi Appetizer of the Day: #beef #tataki #beeftataki
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Our favorite Sushi Appetizer of the day is #tuna #tataki #TunaTataki
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#justkate. Look what I found on my phone!!!
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Nerium Marketing Party is tonight @843koreanbbq. Come look youthful #youthful #beautyconsultant #younger #nerium #livehappy @843koreanbbq @honggar #koreanfood #843oppa #843style #koreanstyle #aycekbbq #koreanbarbecue #kbbq #ayce #843sushi #여우사이 #hongstrong #holycity #843 #843sushihouse #스시그램 #인스타푸드 #한식 #고깃집 #고기 #한끼 #서울걸 #맛집 #미국맛집 #seoulgirl #sojugirl #seoulistic #charleston #chucktown #foodie #koreanfoodie #sojubar
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Seoulistic Experience at 843!!! #actuallyjustwatchingbasketball
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Donny Sands of Charleston Riverdogs celebrates his 21st Birthday today!!! Happy 21st Birthday!!!! Can't wait to celebrate with you tonight at @843!!!!
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KPOP Chicken Breast Meatballs aka KPOP CHICKEN MEATBALLS #newmenu