Langston's TaeKwonDo Academy
Our mission statement is to provide you or your child with quality martial arts training in a fun, friendly, family environment.
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facebook.comBelt Awards Ceremony tonight at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church in the old sanctuary building. Starts at 6pm.
Gracie United Central La
Come get your roll on with our Professor, Nathan Lott.
Timeline Photos
The mats are always ready for testing, are you? Testing week is here! Normal class hours mon - wed. Then forms review Thursday night anytime between 4:30pm to 6pm. Then this Friday night (Aug 5th) is testing. 4:45 pm - All lil dragons, and jr. white thru blue adv. belts 6:00 pm - All jr. Purple thru Black belts and all adults and teens (13 or older) Deadline to sign up is thus Thursday so be sure to check your hours.
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Check out Mrs. Alexandra, just got all her stripes! Plus, she just turned 10, so to celebrate she is having her birthday party here at the school tomorrow (Saturday) July 30th! Time is 12pm to 3pm. To RSVP Call: 614-4021 Come help us celebrate Alex's birthday by throwing some dodge pads at each other, along with all the other fun games. See you there!!
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Board Break Clinic tonight. Remember special hours: 4:30 - Lil Dragons 5:00 - Kids all ranks 6:00 - Adults all ranks Clinic classes count as 2 hours credit. See yall there.
Many of you know of the event/tragedy that has happened today around where we live. Some of our parent are officers in and around the area of Baton Rouge. As many already have been, I'd just like to ask that everyone pray for the family's of those fallen. Pray for safety of those who still have to serve and protect. And pray for the peace and healing this state and city need that can only be poured out by our God and father. Psalms 3:3 through 6 "3. But you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. 4. To the Lord I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill. 5. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. 6. I will not fear the tens and thousands drawn up against me on every side."
Timeline Photos
Little late but, congrats to those who earned their stripes this past Tues night with Gracie United Central. Well deserved, congrats to the Hill crew (Mr Billy, Lucas, and Travis), Mr. Pitcher, and Mr. Erik Medlin. Even had a new student, Connor Moulin. Getting bigger and better, thanks to Nathan Lott and Matt Pitts. Awesome job guys, keep up the good work. Also remember no classes tonight (Thursday the 14th) and tomorrow (Friday the 15th). Back go normal next week.
Remember July Summer camp is going on right now. So that means short classes for tonight (monday), tomorrow (tues), and Wednesday are: 5pm All Jrs Mixed 6pm All Adults Mixed No classes this Thurs or Fri night (July 14th and 15th)
Happy 4th of the July!!! No classes tonight, back to normal tomorrow.
Most cute Taekwondo kids
Kinda like this but...not quite lol Sparring Clinic tonight. Counts as 2 hours credit. 4:30 to 5 - Lil Dragons 5 to 5:30 - Jr White thru yYellow adv belts 5:30 to 6/6:15 - Jr Orange thru Black belts 6/6:15 till - all Adult and Teen ranks.
June Summer Camp 2016 is over, thanks to everyone who helped, participated, everything. We had a blast. But now is a new week, excited to be back in the gym, and more excited to be back to normal classes! Lil Dragons, BJJ with Gracie United, summer camps. So pumped to see what God has in store for Langston's Martial Arts this year. See yall on the mats!
Remember Jiujitsu class is back at the school. 10am. See you on the mats.