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LEX Language Project

90 Sherman St, Cambridge, United States
Non-profit organization



Anyone Can Speak 7 Languages!!  LEX America, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1985 by Yo Sakakibara with the mission of promoting multilingualism and intercultural understanding. LEX America, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1985 by Yo Sakakibara with the mission of promoting multilingualism and intercultural understanding. To this end, LEX America offers immersion-style multilingual language learning programs for individuals and families, international exchange programs, a series of lectures on language acquisition, and educational publishing. LEX America works in close partnership with the LEX offices in Japan, Korea, and Mexico. LEX has more than 25,000 active members worldwide.

The name LEX stands for Institute for Language Experience, Experiment, and Exchange.



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