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Vermont Center for Photography

49 Flat St, Brattleboro, United States
Museum/Art Gallery



VCP is a fine-art photography gallery in downtown Brattleboro, VT, dedicated to promoting the photographic arts throughout the region and beyond. In 1998 photographer Eric Slayton founded the Flat Street Studio and Gallery in Brattleboro, Vermont as a space for photography instruction and gallery exhibition. Flat Street Gallery became a non-profit organization in 2001, and has since restructured under the name Vermont Center for Photography (VCP.)

In addition to hosting a new feature exhibit each month with an average of 200 visitors on opening night, VCP offers ongoing workshops, professional darkroom rental, exhibiting artist talks, and monthly portfolio critiques, among other regularly scheduled events.

Our facilities include:

- Monthly rotating gallery space
- Fully equipped B/W Darkroom
- Dry-mount press & matte cutting supplies
- Light-tight film loading closet
- Photography book lending library
- Full service fine-art inkjet printing
- Full service document/film scanning
- Collection of reference portfolios
- Selection of photography books for sale


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We're delighted to serve up yet another take-over of VCP's Instagram account by one of our March 2017 exhibitors, Matthew Hamon. Stick around, and follow along! Matthew Hamon is a freelance portrait photographer who lives in rural Montana. His photography exists conceptually and aesthetically in the spaces between photojournalism and staged editorial imagery. Matthew hails from a small, remote town in Northern California. A sense of place informed by wandering the woods as a child inspires his enquiry. Self-described as "post-rural," Matt currently lives in Potomac, Montana near the Blackfoot River.

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Opening Reception: Seeing the River

We hope that you will join us for the June 2nd opening reception for our exciting new exhibition "SEEING THE RIVER: The Connecticut River in Brattleboro"! Exhibition: June 2 - July 2, 2017 Opening Reception: Friday, June 2nd (5:30 to 8:30pm) Gallery Hours: Fri, Sat, Sun 12-5pm Seeing the River celebrates the history of and artistic response to the Connecticut River in Brattleboro. Featured work by Robert F. George and from the Brattleboro Historical Society reveals a century of the river. From the River, To the River artists Elizabeth Billings, Evie Lovett and Andrea Wasserman curated the exhibition and contribute a collaborative work. Please visit us online for more information and additional images! Generous support for this exhibition provided by The Connecticut River Conservancy, Brattleboro Savings & Loan, The Richards Group, and the Trust Company of Vermont.

Opening Reception: Seeing the River

Vermont Center for Photography

Vermont Center for Photography

Workshop: One-of-a-Kind Books: Handmade Bookmaking for Beginners | Vermont Center for Photography

This weekend is your last chance to sign up for our upcoming 2-day handmade book-making workshop with Brooklyn-based artist Rocio De Alba, taking place May 20th and 21st from 10am-4pm each day! Geared for beginners, at the end of the weekend, you will walk away with one finalized book (or more). The first day will be about reviewing tools, measurements; deciding covers for the books (chipboard, corrugated sheets, and/or the sketch book cover themselves) and creating a prototype. On Sunday you will bring photographs of a series to create a cohesive narrative or family photos to make a scrapbook and finish off with a FINAL version of the book. Learn to make: • Saddle Stich Binding • Coptic Binding • An accordion Book (and if there is time) • A mini Meander book Please share far and wide! Full details and online registration can be found via the following link:

NHIA Photography Chair Named New Hampshire Artist Laureate

We're very proud to announce that VCP member and 2016 solo-exhibitor Gary Samson has been named the NH Artist Laureate! Congratulations, Gary!

Vermont Center for Photography's cover photo Detail of photo by Deb Noyes

Vermont Center for Photography's cover photo

Join us TONIGHT during Gallery Walk (5:30 to 8:30) for the opening reception of our May Members Exhibition! We're displaying a wide array of work from 21 VCP members - hope to see you there. If you can't make it tonight, the show will be open every Fri/Sat/Sun 12-5 through May 28th. Visit for more information! (Photo by Deb Noyes)

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Thrilled to have New55 4x5 Instant Film CEO Sam Hiser in the house today running a 4x5 workshop!

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New55 Workshop & Jesse Burke Talk

We've got a big day tomorrow! Join us for an artists talk and nature walk with exhibitor/photographer Jesse Burke OR register NOW for our New55 instant film workshop with Sam Hiser happening from 10am to 4pm tomorrow with thanks to our co-host, Hunts Photo of Holyoke, MA! Take a gander..

Vermont Center for Photography's cover photo

Vermont Center for Photography's cover photo

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This exciting exhibition opens one week from tomorrow! We're very honored to be sharing Jesse Burke's work with you all - please come over to VCP and join the party for Gallery Walk! Not only that, we're also holding an artists-talk/photo-walk at the Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center in West Brattleboro on April 30th. More details online!

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Exhibitions & Workshops

I know I say this every time, but we've got some truly amazing exhibitions and workshops coming up here at VCP! Our current Open Juried Exhibition is in its third week, we've got photographer Jesse Burke on deck for April with his stunning solo exhibition "Wild & Precious", and a whole slew of enticing upcoming workshops coming your way! Check out our latest newsletter that was just sent out today:


NEAR Vermont Center for Photography