Minnesota River Trail
Minnesota River Trail - Bloomington, MN - Minnesota Off Road Cyclists (MORC)
An 11-mile linear trail with several access points, The Minnesota River Trail is located within the flood plain of the Minnesota River. One of the most natural and picturesque trails, the affectionately called “River Bottoms” attracts a variety of nature lovers from hikers, bird-watchers, dog walkers, trail runners & mountain bikers. In the Winter the Minnesota River Trail is a fatbike paradise, with upwards of 80 riders attending weekly “Faturday” rides.
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facebook.comGreat River Greening is hosting a MN River Valley volunteer cleanup event! Please see the below link for more details and to register for this excellent event.
Trail Conditions - MN River Bottoms With the warm temps on Saturday it's better for you, the trail, and your bike to hit the roads this weekend. MNRT Crew
We wanted to share this: https://www.facebook.com/SaveTheRiverBottoms/posts/477634915770574 MNRT Crew
We received word tonight that a biker interrupted a person attempting to remove the tree bridge over Nine Mile Creek. This person was apparently frustrated because the height of the bridge meant he could no longer get his boat up the creek to fish easily. The biker persuaded the person to stop and the person left before they could accomplish their mission.....but may likely be back. The Bloomington police have been called and are on the case. If you should see someone doing something like this please call the Bloomington Police immediately. 952-563-4900. This area of the Refuge is managed by the USFWS....which likely makes destructive vandalism like this a federal crime. Thank you! MNRT Crew
We just wanted to give you the heads up that this event is going on this Saturday. This is it's third year and becoming very popular. Thinks might be pretty busy down there from 9:00 until 2:00 or so. Plan accordingly. We wanted to thank Pat at Penn Cycle for all their hard work involved with putting this on. We also wanted to thank the Bloomington Park staff, the DNR and the US Fish and Wildlife folks for their cooperation so this event could take place. Come down and race or just come to cheer people on. MNRT Crew https://www.facebook.com/events/1716927818536632/
Podcast interview off with Pat Sorensen with Penn Cycle on the upcoming Get Phat with Pat races at the River Bottoms. #Savetheriverbottoms
Very much worth the 25 minute time investment. MNRT Crew http://www.singletracks.com/blog/trail-advocacy/podcast-minimizing-mtb-trail-damage-from-riding/
Sharing is caring! An opportunity for a casual group ride tonight. MNRT Crew https://www.facebook.com/groups/MNFatbikeGroupRides/permalink/1723716751195085/
Just so we are all on the same page....pun intended..... The intent of this page is to share general information related to the Minnesota River Trail like work sessions, conditions, events, etc. We would like to keep this page separate...but equal....from the effort to keep a proposed paved trail out of the Minnesota River Valley. It's a very important topic and needs and deserves its own space. Thanks much! MNRT Crew The #savetheriverbottoms page can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/SaveTheRiverBottoms/
Sharing. This is happening tomorrow. If you are MNRT curious come join this casual, very user friendly group ride leaving from the Lyndale lot at 10:00 am. Dress for the weather. Winter for real makes an appearance tomorrow. They are planning on 16 miles round trip but it is an out and back ride so you can always turn around if you get cold or tired. MNRT Crew https://www.facebook.com/groups/MNFatbikeGroupRides/permalink/1721828871383873/
Variety is the spice of life. This is a great resource for spicing up your winter riding. MNRT Crew
Welcome to the brand spanking new Minnesota River Trail Page. This will the "official" MORC Trail page for the trails we play guardian and protector over in the Minnesota River Valley. Please like and share the page so we can expand the awareness of the awesome riding opportunities that have existed in the Minnesota River Valley for decades. Like our other individual trail pages, we will use this as a place to share news and goings on related to the trail. Enjoy! Thank you for partaking. MNRT Crew