Jolly Rogers Nutegget
Sporting good for Outdoors People
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New arrival for a young lady; pretty in pink:
Getting closer to building those precision things. Folks, I have a someone on the FB review team that really doesn't like me, so I cannot actually write certain specific words, you'll have to figure it out. I bought more tooling today, primarily for chambering and blueprinting, along with an endoscope for looking into 1/8" and larger diameter holes. Now I need a 15-gallon drum of sulfonated cutting oil, reamers and a selection of measuring rods to check alignment, Arkansas stones, some HS-steel cutting tools and rebuild my grinder and I will be cooking. 😁 Another couple of months...
Photos from Jolly Rogers Nutegget's post
So I bought a Desert Eagle pistol in 50AE, and had it titanium nitrided to increase it's reliability and anti-rust properties. I didn't get to shoot it much until I got it back, and then I started experiencing failure to return to battery. The slide had closed, but not all the way, and the only way to see this was to feel with the base of my thumb, across the back of the slide/frame. DANG! I spent a lot of money to have this thing for berry picking and cutting wood in the winter, and now, it won't fire all the time. Either the pistol had a problem, or it was the ammo. I sent the pistol back to Magnum Research and while they had it, I bought a cartridge case gage. Magnum Research couldn't find anything wrong with the pistol, so I worked on the ammo and this is what I found: The Speer ammo would drop into the gage easily, except for 3 out of twenty shells. But the Underwood ammo? Not a single shell would drop into the case gage. The one sticking up definitely would have jammed the pistol. So for critical situations, gage all the ammunition going into the sidearm.
Bethel Family Clinic New “Provider” On Wednesday 07-08-20 I had an appointment at the Bethel Family Clinic. I arrived at 3:30 p.m. to fill out a 30-second questionnaire then spent the next 29 minutes 30 seconds of my life, which I'll never get back, waiting to be seen for my 4:00 p.m. appointment. The place was as quiet as a tomb, not even the phone rang once; either Bethelites are disgustingly healthy (to use a movie phrase), or there was another, more ominous reason. After the enforced 30-minute waiting period I was informed that I would be seeing a “new provider”. This is one of the blessings of living in the Bush: the good providers leave just as you've built a rapport and can really work together, then a new one arrives that may or may not be a decent medical provider; a sad refrain. Another round of waiting, in walks the “new provider”, and I decide to break the ice with an innocuous question: as she is washing her hands, I ask, “how do you keep your hands from becoming chapped and raw after washing a hundred times a day”? Her reply was instant, clipped and carried the force of capital letters, “after 20 years in the military, you do what you are ordered to do; you just adapt”. Fan-Farting-Tas-Tic; a pre-programmed ex-military issue medical droid with all the patient empathy of a brick to the face. Bright, disingenuously smiling, with the eye-sparkle of ardent religious belief that all things medical are dispensed from the altar of the CDC. After my father retired from 25 years of military service, I never thought I'd see another one of these, but right here in front of me...yeah (deep sigh). This is not a human being with whom you can discuss your needs, who'll work with you to treat you; this individual will impose packaged, programmed treatment, and if you disagree or question this, too bad. The three previous doctors were all very excellent medical providers. The board of Bethel Family Clinic needs to identify WHY the good ones are leaving, and rectify that to retain them. When hiring new personnel, don't just look at a curriculum vitae, look at the human being. I wasted an hour of my life but you don't have too: get a copy of your medical records, go into Anchorage for your medical care until this one leaves; then we play the game all over again.
This is a public service announcement: Hey everybody! This is a reminder: you MUST have an AK Drivers License or Federal I.D. with your PHYSICAL ADDRESS on it. NO P.O. BOXES. If your drivers license has a post office box, you can change the address online at the AK DMV website, or call them up and ask how you do it. Now would also be a good time to get a Real I.D. You MUST fill out the paperwork here in Bethel, which means you have to come here. This is a requirement of the Dept. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Also: the Dept. of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives does NOT accept Tribal I.D.'s. Sorry, this is their requirement. Just had someone come in all excited, then turn around and leave disappointed after I pointed out the post office box on the I.D.
Jolly Roger Sez; you can piddle with the puppies, or run with the wolves.
I really hate receipt day. Blech!
Who likes gold?
Going to put up photos of the latest acquisitions. Some really nice items. Watch for them...:) and give us a call.
Fall is here! Nice hard frost this morning. Going to be lots of hunting available. Give us a call for your needs.
Hunting and subsistence time is upon us. Everyone out there be safe. We have a good inventory, give me a call.