Motor Machine Super Shop
Motor Machine Super Shop Motor Machine Super Shop is the west coast’s premier engine and chassis tuning service facility. Our facility features the very latest in tuning equipment from SuperFlow Technologies.We have Bob Crespo and owner Don Zemina on staff to do your dyno testing and tuning with a combined experience of 70 plus years in the performance industry. Our Model AUTODYN 30 is the perfect solution for achieving the maximum results from your vehicle, whether your needs are performance or drivability. Our SuperFlow AUTODYN 30 chassis dyno and test room is state of the art equipment that enables us to maximize your vehicle’s performance potential as well as provide you with accurate data on your vehicle's current performance. We also have a SUPERFLOW SF902 ENGINE DYNO WITH STATE OF ART TEST CELL FOR YOUR ENGINE DYNOING AND DEVOLPEMENT. We have the ability to data log a wide array of engine telemetry through your dyno session.
Our SuperFlow AUTODYN 30 Eddy Current Dynamometer is capable of measuring and holding 1100HP (Single Eddy Current) with load control and peak power of 2500 HP . The AUTODYN 30 has the ability to simulate real world conditions without ever leaving the shop. We do not just give numbers, we give results and we strive to achieve the very best results in dyno tuning and testing.
SuperFlow's AutoDyn 30 chassis dyno was designed for a variety of automobile, light truck, ATV and motorcycle applications. We can test vehicles with up to 2,500 horsepower at speeds up to 225 mph. The AutoDyn 30's standard center-mounted power absorber places the rolls only 26" apart. This design allows you to test narrow-axle drag race vehicles and wide enough to accommodate dually trucks.
With the AutoDyn 30 you can...
Perform acceleration, step and steady-state tests at all throttle settings.
View real-time torque output, at steady and changing speeds, to instantly evaluate changes you've made to the engine's fuel or timing maps with WinDyn software.
Diagnose engine and drivetrain problems.
Identify drivetrain frictional losses.
Troubleshoot driveability issues.
Control the entire test from a handheld controller, inside the test vehicle.
Run track lap simulations
Chassis dyno is also open to ANY 2WD MAKE AND MODEL for baseline pulls or owner led tuning sessions. Car clubs and other groups are welcome to contact us for more information on "Dyno-Day" events.
We have over 20 years of DYNO experience and are at the forefront of custom tuning for high performance vehicles since 2002, utilizing our in house AUTODYN 30. We also have a SUPERFLOW SF902 Engine Dyno for tuning and development of engines before they are placed in your vehicle.
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