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House of Hope Mission

6 Sullivan Sq, Berwick, United States
Non-Profit Organization



Serving the Seacoast area with a humble heart. We are currently serving dinner every Mon, Tues & Thur from 4:30 to 7:00. During difficult times, individuals and families in the Seacoast region will seek the services of House of Hope and receive the physical, emotional, and spiritual support necessary while being shown the love of Christ. We are a 501(c)3 non profit organization

Two services:
House of Hope Eatery
House of Hope Sober Living

For more info:


Photos from House of Hope Mission's post

Amazing things are happening!! Rough plumbing is done, electrical is underway, sheet rock arrived today and walls will be going up soon!!!

Photos from House of Hope Mission's post

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We need your HELP! We are in desperate need of Cereal and Soup!!!

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*Pantry needs* During the month of March we have been able to help 20 families weekly. We feel so blessed to be able to provide some many with with what they need but it has really left us with some needs too! We are in great need of: -CEREAL -CANNED SOUP Can you help????

On Target Fitness LLC

Many Thanks to On Target Fitness LLC!!

On Target Fitness LLC

After some research it was brought to our attention that a local college student had selected to do a fundraising project for his school to benefit House Of Hope. There were some communication lapses between us and the student. We appreciate the student and his/her caring heart behind what he or she was trying to accomplish. Again we really appreciate how caring and supporting our community is!

⭐️IMPORTANT ⭐️ It has been brought to our attention that a "Go Fund Me" account has been started under the name of House Of Hope. This account was NOT set up by House Of Hope. We understand that we have a lot of love and support from the community, and if by chance this was set up by someone in the community, we ask that you please refrain from doing so as it causes much confusion. ⭐️If in the future we decide that creating a "Go Fund Me" account is necessary, WE will post the information on our Facebook page and Our HOH website and it will not be posted by a 3rd party. ⭐️

House of Hope Mission's cover photo

House of Hope Mission's cover photo

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What we are up to, where we came from, where we are going and our plans for the future.. #housofhopemission #soupkitchen #neighborshelpingneighbors #golftournament #sponsorsneeded

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❄️March 14,2017❄️ Due to the weather, we will be closed today. We would like to ensure the safety of our volunteers and our diners and ask that you stay in your homes if you can. Hope to see you all Thursday!

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Looking for sponsors!! #houseofhopemission #berwickmaine #playgolf #sponership #cityofberwick #charityevent ⛳️--SHARE---SHARE--⛳️

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Golf Tournament Time!!! Come and join us!! Register at #houseofhopemission #berwickmaine #playgolf #sponership #charityevent

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Sweetened Memories is going to be serving up some sweet treats June 5th at our Golf Tournament! ⛳️ **CALLING all golfers, what better way to spend the day then by playing golf and raising money for an amazing cause?!? ** Hope to see you there!!
