Pantas and Ting Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Working on the leading edge of technology means new ideas, inspirations and opportunities are ever-present. The curriculum, labs and ecosystem at the CET is designed to give you the entrepreneurial skills and resources you need be a more effective engineer and make your mark on the industry.
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Presenting our dear friend Ambassador Eduardo Prisco our deepest Berkeley gratitude at the Casa Rio Conference. - with Rio Negocios President Marcelo Haddad.
Photos from Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology - SCET's post
Our Managing Director, Ken Singer, speaks at the Casa Rio Convention in Rio de Janeiro about the importance of teaching entrepreneurship to undergrads.
Timeline Photos
Honored to visit IME - Military Institute of Engineering -in Rio de Janeiro and discuss possible Global Partnerships. - with Ambassador Eduardo Prisco and Major Ermírio Coutinho.
The Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship Bootcamp - UC Berkeley Sutardja Center
Attention students: The Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is happening August 15th - 19th. This is an intensive, hands-on 2 unit course for students who are looking for a deep understanding of concepts in entrepreneurship. Whether you are just exploring, starting off or fine-tuning an idea, you will will gain insights from the modular learning format final challenge that reflects your development stage.
Free SQL-on-Hadoop Videos Highlight Academic Big Data Analytics Project -- ADTmag
SCET's Chief Scientist Prof. Sidhu is helping to curate content for the Data-X project which seeks to collect practical videos to explain big data concepts.
University of California tops list of universities granted US patents
We're hiring! Looking for a star office manager part-time beginning in August - UC Berkeley...
Come join our team!
Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
Integrated Data Analysis for Early Warning of Lung Failure -
Rebecca Barter and Shamindra Shrotriya (Team Outliers) won the Geisinger Health Collider earlier this year with their work analyzing big data to predict COPD in pnemonia patients. Now their work has just been published at ODBMS. Follow the link to read their full report.
Berkeley Engineering Student Services
Just released! Applied Innovation Review, June 2016 (Issue #2)
In case you missed it! Issue #2 of the Applied Innovation Review
Today, we are proud to release issue #2 of the Applied Innovation Review (AIR)! The AIR journal seeks to cover recent and emerging trends in global entrepreneurship and innovation. This year's issue covers topics ranging from BlockChain to lab-grown meat.