City of Berea, Ohio
11 Berea Commons
Berea, Ohio 44017
(440) 826-5800
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The Berea Service Department always does a great job at making our City look beautiful...Enjoy!
Photos from City of Berea, Ohio's post
On Tuesday, May 23, 2017, Captain Brand Eisenhardt, Lieutenant Michael Schmitt, Firefighter Jonathon West, Firefighter Allen Scott and Firefighter Kyle Woodie received a 2017 Excellence in Emergency Medical Service Award from MetroHealth Medical Center. They received recognition for their response and care of a patient who suffered life-threatening injuries in a car accident. MetroHealth chose just six teams of first responders to receive the Excellence Award from the many thousands of patients brought to their Level I Trauma Center by ambulance in 2016-2017. Dr. Jeffrey Claridge, Director of Trauma Surgery, Burns & Critical Care and Medical Director for the Northern Ohio Trauma System presented their award, noting that they exemplified the spirit, strength, passion and dedication to service and provide excellent care and service to those most in need. The City would also like to acknowledge Dr. Susan Tout, M.D., Director of Emergency Medical Service at SWGHC and EMS Coordinator, Jackie Haumschild MSN, RN, BA, NREMTP, for their guidance and mentorship.
Attention Berea Residents: If per chance your yard waste does not get picked up today, Friday - it will be picked up on Saturday by Republic. Thank You
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City of Berea, Ohio's cover photo
Friendly reminder this Sunday starts the Car Show at the Coe Lake Parking Lot from 5-9pm!
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Become a sponsor and support Berea's 2017 events such as the Grindstone Festival, outdoor movies, band concerts, Harvest Festival, FYI programs and more! Different levels of opportunity are available!
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Mayor Cyril Kleem presents a proclamation to James Szell, honoring him for his service as a Marine Corps corporal during the Korean War. Chaplain Willie Springer, right, an Army veteran, chairs the Pathways Hospice's We Honor Veterans program and presented Mr. Szell with a special veterans pin. Mr. Szell lives at the North Park Care Center.
The Berea Police Department is now on Facebook and Twitter! You can find information about the Department, get to know the officers, learn safety tips, and follow their activities. On Facebook you can find them as the Berea Ohio Police Department (not to be confused with Berea Kentucky). On Twitter @BereaPD. Stop over and check them out.
Photos from City of Berea, Ohio's post
1st Photo; 2 Berea-Midpark High School Students / SADD members volunteer their time and effort to promote the message; DON”T DRINK or TEXT and DRIVE! 2nd Photo; Berea Fire “A Shift” (wearing black turn-out gear) complete extrication of the final crash victim at the 2017 Prom Promise Mock Crash. MHFD (yellow coat) ready to assist with patient care, once extricated. 3rd Photo; MHFD Assistant Chief John Desmarteau narrated the “Mock Crash” to the Class of 2017.