Noodle Nirvana
Ready for a divine build your own noodle bowl experience with a side of world peace? Coming this summer to Berea, Kentucky. It's time. OUR STORY
Owner, Mae Suramek has spent the last two decades cooking alongside (and learning) her mom’s out-of-this-world noodle bowl recipes, all infused with rich Thai, Indian, and Chinese influences. Think rice noodles in a rich coconut curry…..and fresh egg noodles with roasted chicken……and spicy lemon grass noodle soup…and so much more! While ramen (Japanese noodle soup) and pho (Vietnamese noodle soup) restaurants have gained popularity in the last decade, Noodle Nirvana also offers unique Thai noodle dishes. And because this is a democracy, we want customers to get the full culinary experience and build their own noodle bowls (with a little help from us, of course).
Fiercely rejecting her parents entrepreneur ways, Mae spent 15 years in non-profit management. During her last tenure as a non-profit director, local restaurants routinely donated a portion of their proceeds on a slow sales night to Mae’s agency. They would also usually require staff presence and marketing for the event, and brought in very minimal dollars. Since Mae’s non-profit had few resources and little physical space, board meeting space usually came with a fee and limited availability. Special events were essential in raising operating funds, but greatly exhausted staff, time, and upfront financial resources. And so one day (just like that) Mae decided to USE HER NOODLE and merge her love of her childhood noodle bowls with a desire to create truly innovative and impactful partnerships between non-profits and local businesses.
Noodle Nirvana aims to make EPIC noodle bowls and also to better our BIG ways! Each year, Noodle Nirvana will select one local non-profit and provide:
A year-round, professional, in-store information display highlighting the non-profit’s mission and current needs, and offering customers the opportunity to support the designated cause
Monthly meeting space for board meetings
Hosting and sponsorship of one special fund raiser at Noodle Nirvana
A percentage of proceeds one day each month for a 12-month period
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