Lyndobe Dobermans
"Targeting for Type, Trainability & Temperament"
We've produced Champions, Obedience, Agility, Rally, Tracking & Superior Companions since 1967. LYNDOBE has been producing Champions, obedience, agility, rally, tracking and superior companions since 1967.
LYNDOBE has produced 17 AKC Champions to date, 8 of which have gone on to become R.O.M.'s (Register Of Merit), so far. Register of Merit means that a Doberman has earned an AKC Championship, a performance title, and has passed the Working Aptitude Certificate (W.A.C.), the Doberman Temperament Test.
Our many accomplishments to date are as follows:
*Tied for 5th Top Champion Breeder-1990.
*Top Breeder of Performance Dobermans-1993, 2001, 2002, 2005.
*Breeder of the Top Dam of Performance Dobermans - 1993, 2000, 2002, 2005.
*Breeder of the Top Sire of Performance Dobermans - 2003, 2004, 2005.
*1994-2000 U-OCH, Am./Can. OTCH. Lyndobe's Midnight Lace, UDX, CGC was either #1 or #2 in the Doberman Obedience Top 20. (see Past Performance Dogs link)
*2001 & 2010 we had 2 dogs in the Obedience Top 20.
*2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009 we had a dog in the Obedience Top 20.
*2000, 2002 & 2007 we had dogs in Agility Top 20.
*2005 - Breeder of Distinction Award for breeding 5 or more R.O.M.'s (Register of Merit) with 9 to date.
This shows WE WANT IT ALL - beauty, brains, and temperament! We have, also, produced too many to count of Canadian & UKC Champions and Grand Champions, as well as obedience, agility, and rally titled dogs.
Our litters are all home raised with their "critical periods" in mind. Extra care is taken to socialize and introduce the pups to all types of sights, sounds and situations they may encounter in the future so they will be prepared for their new life. We do health testing on all our breeding stock, so if you are looking for a healthy, beautiful Doberman with the true Doberman temperament, balanced with a sound mind and the "willing to please-trainability factor" bred right in, look to LYNDOBE
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facebook.comWhat a great day today, Jan. 24, 2016 in a Novi, MI show. Lyndobe's Whiskey River Red, owned by Tony & Terri Sheline, went Winners Dog for a 4-pt. major to finish his AKC Championship (my 22nd CH.). Uno, Lyndobe's All-In-One, co-owned by Ken Yoder, went Rerserve Winners Dog to Whiskey his first weekend out with Karen Fox at 6 months, 4 days old! He is out of Bella (Eddie daughter) and by CH.Foxfire's Alltimate. Then my "Terra", Lyndobe's Terracotta Tart, went Winners Bitch and crossed over for the 4-pt. major with Tina Harbert, also. Cheryl Hassett's female, Elsa, went Reserve Winners Bitch to Terra. Whiskey, Terra and Elsa are all sired by GCH.Lyndobe's Turn On Da Charm, CD, ROM, "Turner"!!! Then another Turner daughter, Ziva, owned by Carol Sorg, finished her AKC C.D. in obedience today, too! Ziva is in the Obed. Top 20, also!!! WHAT A GREAT DAY for TURNER and LYNDOBE and all their owners!!! Congratulations EVERYONE!!!