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Centenary United Methodist Church, Beatrice, NE

608 Elk St, Beatrice, United States
Religious Organization



6th & Elk St., Downtown Beatrice, NE
Come Join the Journey! Centenary UMC is located at the corner of 6th and Elk Streets, 2 blocks north of the intersection of US Highway 136/NE Highway 4 (Court St.) and Highway 77 (Sixth St.) There is parking on the north side of the building and an elevator entrance on the east side.


Potluck Assignments for Youth Group: (5/17) 5th Graders- Free Choice 6th Graders- Chips 7th Grade Girls- Dessert 7th Grade Boys- Meaty/Savory 8th Grade Boys- Drinks/ Dips Senior High- Favorite Dish (broccoli)

One service tomorrow at 11:00. Potluck to follow

Hey 5th-12th Graders! Remember- Mission Trip forms are due today!

Palm Sunday at Centenary April 9, 2017 9:00- Jubilee Service Special music by Sunday School students and Children's Bell Choir 10:00- Open House Parents and families are encouraged to join us for Sunday School as we celebrate Holy Week. 11:00- Traditional Service Easter Cantata performed by the Chancel Choir Bake Sale to benefit Epworth Village will start at 9:00

Timeline Photos

See you tomorrow!

Timeline Photos

Remember- No Youth Group or Bell Choir this week!

Change of Plans-- Youth Group March 1 Centenary will NOT be having an Ash Wednesday service. All students grades 6-12 are welcome to come to Centenary at 5:00 for games and supper. At 6:45, we will travel to Holy Cross Lutheran church for their service. Parents can pick their children up at Centenary at 6:45, or at Holy Cross at 7:45/8:00. Let Julie know of you have any questions.

Join us for worship this week. The Sunday School Students will sing at 9:00. Pam Savery from the District Office will preach. The Bell Choir will play at both services.

Nebraska Brass & Friends

Nebraska Brass & Friends

Join us for worship this week. Pastor Bob Neben will be preaching at both services. "What Generous Giving Says About You?"

Prison Break Beatrice

The High School Youth Group had a great time at Prison Break Beatrice tonight. Don't ask them to share any secrets though.

Prison Break Beatrice

Fill in the blanks: "The best mission trip I ever went on was _______. Because________"
