United Christian Faith Ministries
Worship Opportunities:
Power 4 Living Academy @9am
Morning Worship@10:45am
Intercessory Prayer @6:00pm
Bible Study @7pm
United Christian Faith Ministries (UCFM)
is located at 9229 N Ridgewood Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70814
#UCFM is a ministry built on God’s word, faith integrity, honesty, trust, and accountability. United Christian Faith Ministries is a member of Church Of God In Christ, Inc. Along with being a God led organization, it’s a ministry for the perfecting of saints, fellowshipping of believers and a refuge for the lost. After relocating from Atlanta to Baton Rouge, Mark A. Ellis, Pastor and Founder, received the vision for United Christian Faith Ministries in June 2001. God instructed Pastor Ellis to reach out to the community, preach the gospel and teach the Word of God with simplicity and understanding. In August 2001, the ministry was formed with only seven members. United Christian Faith Ministries held its first worship service at Ramada Inn, previously located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Over the years, God has blessed UCFM tremendously. God has allowed us to touch many lives within this community. With over twenty-five ministries established, our focus continues to be on outreach, worship, fellowship, ministry, and service. Our membership continues to grow expediently. We have grown from the seven members in 2001, to currently over 800 members and many souls have been added to the body of Christ. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
We yet remain dependent upon God and his infinite wisdom as we continue to build the kingdom of God and celebrate Jesus.
The Lord is continually sharing His presence with United Christian Faith Ministries and by His sovereign leadership adding to this ministry daily. GREAT IS GOD’S FAITHFULNESS!!
Tell your friends
facebook.comWe were blessed yesterday by Tiffany Mosley, here's a clip!
Watch our Family & Friends Day Worship Service !! Please #share <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ru099TZmRcE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ru099TZmRcE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Family & Friends day Southern University Mini- Dome
During the pep rally UCFM welcomes Scotlandville high marching band, and Southern University's alpha step team, omega step team, cheerleaders and more!
Reminder: Services today will be held at the F.G. Clark Activity Center(Mini-Dome) on the Campus of Southern University. 9:15 am-Power 4 Living Academy 10:15 am Pep Rally -School Shoutouts & Giveaways 10:45 am -Worship Service See flyer for additional information...#share
Invite your family and friends to join us tonight at 6:30 pm for Family, Food, Games, and Fun at UCFM! Wear your gray t-shirts or any UCFM t-shirt!
Meet us tonight at 7pm! Will you be here?
Join us TONIGHT at 7 pm for our Ecumenical Worship Service with Pastor Ronzel Pretlow and others!