Inspire Charter Academy
Inspire Charter Academy is a no-cost public school. Inspire Charter Academy is a member of National Heritage Academies. We believe in a structured academic environment. Our academic program not only supports state standards, but provides a unique college-bound approach that delivers the specific knowledge and skills students are expected to master in each subject area at each grade level.
At Inspire Charter Academy, we share in your desire to develop your child’s heart as well as his or her mind. As a result, we’ve designed a unique moral focus program that works to support parents’ efforts to instill character in their children by reinforcing and demonstrating universal virtues such as integrity, wisdom, courage, and respect.
Parents are an integral part of their child's elementary and middle school education at Inspire Charter Academy. In many ways, parents are as important as the teachers themselves. Our environment and staff will work with parents to help them take an active role in partnership with the school.
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facebook.comPlease pick up your flyer from the front office!
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Combs
Parents, stop by the office to get your teacher wishlist for Teacher Appreciation Week. May 7-11,2017
Summer Enrichment Camp for grades K-5
Parents and Scholars, We have Teacher Appreciation Week from Monday, May 7 to Friday, May 11. Please stop by the office and pick up your scholar teacher wish list.
We will have STATE TESTING starting Tuesday, April 10th thru April 27th. Scholars are to be at school on time. It is very IMPORTANT that every Scholar be seated and ready to test at 8:00am. Also, school will totally be on lock down. No checking in late or early dismissal doing testing FOR ALL GRADE LEVELS. Please spread the word to family members and other scholars.
ICA made the NHA newsletter.
Please RSVP by Friday March 23, 2018