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St. Paul's Church

802 Bantam Rd, Bantam, United States
Church/religious organization



Sundays at 10 AM. A warm and diverse community for which worship provides the basis of its life together and of the lives of its members.


   St. Paul’s is a vital Christian community.  We are a diverse  congregation.  We offer numerous opportunities for worship, ministry, and  service.  We welcome you with the hope that you will come often. We are a caring community, one where in its people affirm, support and nurture one another.  Individuals and families are encouraged to participate in the many potluck suppers, game nights and hikes held throughout the year.  We’d love to have you join us as we continue our journey of faith!

On Sunday there is a service of Holy Eucharist at 10:00 am with choir, organ and sermon.  Church School begins each Sunday at 9:30 am.   Nursery care  is available.  Choir rehearsals are at 9:00 am on Sundays.  During the summer our service begins at 9:00 am, from the first Sunday in July through Labor Day.  A coffee social follows each service in our Undercroft.  Please make yourself  at home.

We also believe that St. Paul’s is more than a church — it’s also a Community Center.  AA Chapters meet Mondays and Saturdays in the Undercroft.  Our space has been used by both Girl Scouts and Cub Scout Packs.  Girl Scout and Boy Scout Sundays are recognized every year in our services.  We work in conjunction with Boy Scout Troop #29 to recycle Christmas trees each January.  Donations are earmarked for the Litchfield Community Fuel Bank.  Six times each year, teams from St. Paul’s Church serve lunch on a Saturday to the homeless at the Torrington Area Soup Kitchen.  Benefit concerts, food drives and coat drives are held regularly to support our local relief agencies as well as supply funds to Haiti and other countries through the Episcopal Diocesan Relief Fund.

Every fall St. Paul’s collects hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and other winter wear and donates the collections to the Litchfield Children’s Fund.  These donations are then distributed through the school system to help less fortunate children prepare for the winter.

Litchfield Children’s Fund
Pennies from Heaven is a charity collection that creates a fund to be used in any way needed for local help.  These uses can include donations to individuals who cannot afford heating oil for the winter, or other financial needs.

Pennies from Heaven
Six times each year, teams from St. Paul’s Church serve lunch on a Saturday to the homeless at the Torrington Area Soup Kitchen.  The Soup Kitchen has been serving meals to people from the surrounding communities since 1983.

According to the By-laws of St. Paul’s Parish, all Vestry members and Officers must be members of the parish and be elected at the annual Parish meeting.  Officers are elected for a period of one year.  Vestry members serve for a period of three years after election by the Parish.   It is the responsibility of the Vestry to determine the policies and goals of the congregation and to communicate with the congregation about the goals, concerns and functioning of the church.  In order to accomplish this task, meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM.  All members of the congregation are welcome to attend these meetings and participate in the discussion.  We encourage everyone to share their ideas and concerns with the members of the Vestry, either at the meeting or individually.
