Stemmers Run Anonymous Report Page
This is a page dedicated to helping the students at Stemmers Run Middle School report anonymously, or if you want, non-anonymously, bullying that goes on. This is a page dedicated to helping the students at Stemmers Run Middle School report anonymously, or if you want, non-anonymously, bullying that goes on. This page also helps kids who need someone to talk to, like in a time of need, etc. This is a non-profit organization designed to help kids in need. Do not be afraid to report or talk to us, as we do not share info that you share with us, unless you want it reported to guidance. This page IS NOT owned by Stemmers Run Middle School, nor does Stemmers Run Middle School staff have anything to do with it. This page was created by an anonymous 8th grader at Stemmers Run Middle School, who is concerned about students who go there. The identity's of the people who run this page WILL NOT be revealed, and any requests to know WILL BE IGNORED. This is a page for the anonymous, and we tend to keep it that way. Sincerely- An Anonymous 8th Grader at Stemmers Run Middle School.
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