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St. Paul's Episcopal Church

123 S Jackson St, Athens, United States
Religious Organization



We are a joyfully knit together family of Christians who seek to serve God by loving one another and our neighbors wastefully in the name of Jesus Christ. History of St. Paul's

The Reverend John H. Normant, Deacon, was reported to have been holding services in Athens for one member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, William Burns. During the same year, Bishop James Hervey Otey, first Episcopal Bishop of Tennessee, visited Athens and assisted Normant in a series of services which included the confirmation of five persons and the baptism of one infant. Shortly afterwards, John Normant was admitted to the priesthood and transferred to the Diocese of Georgia.

Services were held periodically by Bishop Otey and by visiting clergymen from Knoxville, from other towns in Tennessee, and from Louisville, Kentucky.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Athens was formally admitted into the Diocese of Tennessee as a mission congregation.Earliest Photograph of St. Paul's Church

The Reverend Lucious N. Voight came to Athens as resident minister.

Beginning with eight communicants, the church began holding regular services in a small schoolroom and later in the Masonic Hall, the upper room of the courthouse. Father Voight reported that attendance was good and that “the flock increased until the winder of 1863, when the rebellion so affected the county as to break up all the churches.”

During the winter, Union troops occupied the place of worship and destroyed all furniture and fixtures.

Father Voight accepted an appointment as chaplain of a military hospital in Knoxville.

St. Paul’s was reorganized under the leadership of Father Voight, who had then been appointed Missionary for East Tennessee and who worked toward revival not only of the mission at Athens but of St. Paul’s Chattanooga, and St. James, Greenville.

Original Worship Space Layout
Father Lucius Voight became the rector of St. Paul’s, Chattanooga. A deed to a lot on South Jackson Street in Athens was registered on June 6, 1866; “David Cleage to William Burns, J. J. Helm, Charles M. Keith, Cyril Zimmerman, Otis B. Wattles, Thomas E. Williams, and Theodore Richmond, the vestry of St. Paul’s Church, and their successors.”

A church building was erected on the South Jackson lot.

Information concerning the church is practically non-existent for a period of about 40 years. Apparently the building was not used between the years 1890 and 1909 and fell into disrepair. The church register was burned in a fire which destroyed the home of Miss Catherine Douglas Keith in 1900.

Church building was transformed by replastering and electric lighting. Red hangings were presented by friends in St. John’s Church, Knoxville. Eucharist candlestick have also been presented.

The Reverend Thomas S. Russell reported 22 communicants of St. Paul’s.

Pastoral care of the mission of St. Paul’s remained under the direction of visiting clergymen, principally those assigned as rectors of St. Luke’s, Cleveland.


St. Paul's Parish Picnic!!! Save the date: Sunday, May 28th 10:30 AM Porter & Megan Clark's beautiful property in Etowah Eucharist... then.....lunch! Church will provide BBQ and drinks; you bring a side to share (don't forget to bring a serving spoon w/your dish) The 10:30AM Worship Service on Sunday, May 28th will take place at the Porter & Megan Clark's property! Thank you Clark Family! The 8AM service will go on as usual at the church in Athens. Stewardship of Creation - do you want to help cut down on the volume of trash we create at the parish picnic? Bring your own cup or water bottle! We will have cups for the picnic, but if a bunch of us bring our own then that's one less plastic or paper cup we send to the landfill or recycling center. Come join us! All are welcome!

Time for Rest, Re-creation, and Fun! What does summer hold for you? It is good to work. Some work at home, some work at jobs, some work as volunteers, and some work as students in school. It is good to work, but it is not good to work all the time! We are all called, in our own way and in our own time, to take a break. Rest, re-creation, and fun are vital parts of our rhythm of life. Summer time is a time that many of us take a break. It is, for many, vacation time! Kristin, Gracie, Mary, and I are taking a bit our vacation time the first two weeks of June and again for a week in July. We have lined up one of our favorite priests, Michelle Warner Bolt, to be here on Pentecost Sunday, and we have a new friend, The Reverend Craig Kallio, lined up to serve the following Sunday. Each household has a different capacity and allowance for summer break and vacation. Our hope and prayer is that every household will take some sort of break along the way. It is good to work, but not all the time - take a break however short or long and indulge in guilt-free rest, re-creation, and fun! Peace be with you, Hendree

Prayers of the People This Sunday's prayers written by our EfM group The Prayers of the People are a rich and important part of worship each Sunday morning. The Prayers of the People are just that - our prayers. They are intended to be contextually relevant to the concerns of our particular community. There are several good versions of the Prayers of the People in our prayer book, but the hope of the prayer book is that a community would grow into the capacity to construct it's own prayers relating directly to it's own needs and concerns. Hendree has written several forms of our prayers with help from others, but it has long been our hope that a small group of SPeC folks would be inspired to write some prayers for our PoP use. That dream has come true! Our own Education for Ministry group (EfM) has written an absolutely magnificent set of prayers for our use this Sunday. Thank you EfM folks! Come this Sunday and experience the prayers they've written for graduation Sunday.

Sixth Sunday of the Great 50 Days of Easter & Graduation Sunday *8AM - Worship Service: Holy Eucharist- Rite I *9:15 AM - Sunday Choir Rehearsal - meet our Music Director, Karen Malone, in the worship space. *9:30 AM - Sunday School for all ages - Learning our Story Children and Youth downstairs Adults meet in the parish hall with Fr. Harrison *10:30 AM-Worship Service: Holy Eucharist - Rite II *Ice Cream Social in Parish Hall by the EfM class of 2017 *The Vestry will meet this Sunday at 12:15 p.m. in the Sunroom. *This Sunday we will be honoring all graduates - we will lift up anybody graduating from anything! If you or someone you love is graduating please reply to this email with graduate info (graduate's name, graduating from, and future plans) or call Diva in the church office. We want to honor your accomplishments! We want to wish all of our graduates good health, happiness and success in all their endeavors!

By the Numbers Number of bags given out from Food Pantry last week: 24 Number of guests at Free Lunch last week: 53 Number of residents at the Grace House this week: 10

Remote Area Medical

The RAM Clinic is coming to Athens! St. Paul's will be participating in the RAM Clinic (Remote Area Medical Clinic) and we need volunteers to help with bag lunches for the doctors, optometrists, nurses, dentists and assistants in any of the disciplines (see below). The date of the event will be Saturday, July 8th and Sunday, July 9th. We will need volunteers to help make up the lunches on Friday, July 7th. Also, if you know of anyone working in the medical field and may wish to help, please ask them to volunteer their services for any amount of time during the event. Cathy Winfield is leading the effort to get St. Paul's involved. The RAM Clinic is hosted by the Athens Lions Charities and will be held at the McMinn County High School. The RAM clinic will provide FREE dental, vision and medical care to those in need. We have many opportunities for companies and individuals to join us at the clinic and volunteer to serve. Positions: Dental Clinic - Dentists, Oral Surgeons, Hygienists, Dental Assistants, Dental Technicians and Clerical. Optometry Clinic - Optometrists, Opthalmologists, Opthalmic Techs, Opticians, Optical Lab Techs, Assistants, and Clerical. Medical Clinic - Physicians, PA's, RN's, Nurse Practitioners, Medics, EMT's, Medical Technicians, Women's Health Specialists, Podiatrists, LPN's, Nephrologists, Pediatricians, Medical Assistants, Diabetic Educators, and Clerical Assistants for the Mary Ellen Locher Mammography Unit. General - Volunteers to unload supplies and equipment, clinic setup, clinic breakdown, loading supplies and equipment, waste management, parking lot attendants, traffic monitors, people to direct patients to areas, hall monitors, security, interpreters, clerical, food servers, groups to prepare and serve meals to volunteers, groups to prepare and hand out bag lunches for patients, security, people movers and much more. To learn more about the Remote Area Medical clinics, please visit

The Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church in East Tennessee

Episcopal Church in East Tennessee

By the Numbers Number of bags given out from Food Pantry last week: 31 Number of guests at Free Lunch last week: 58 Number of residents at the Grace House this week: 10

Timeline Photos

Hero Central Vacation Bible School Dates: May 30- June 2, Tuesday - Friday Time: 9:00 a.m. - Noon

Timeline Photos

St. Paul's Parish Picnic!! Sunday, May 28th 10:30 AM at Porter & Megan Clark's beautiful property in Etowah Eucharist...then.....lunch! The 10:30AM Worship Service on Sunday, May 28th will take place at the Porter & Megan Clark's property! (directions to come...) Thank you Clark Family! The 8AM service will go on as usual at the church in Athens. Stewardship of Creation - do you want to help cut down on the volume of trash we create at the parish picnic? Bring your own cup or water bottle! We will have cups for the picnic, but if a bunch of us bring our own then that's one less plastic or paper cup we send to the landfill or recycling center. Come join us! All are welcome!


NEAR St. Paul's Episcopal Church