Substance Church
Substance is one church with two locations: Ashland & Wooster, Ohio.
Gospel Centered. Relationally Driven. God Glorifying.
What does Substance Church look like?
Substance Church is one church with two locations: 101 South St. Ashland, Ohio (Sunday 10 am) and 101 W Bowman St. Wooster, Ohio. (Sunday 5:00 pm)
Substance is made up of Community Groups that meet together midweek, typically sharing a meal, praying together and then living life together throughout the week...serving each other, their neighbors and the community as missionaries in the place that God has sent them.
On Sunday mornings, these Community Groups then gather together for worship through singing, taking communion, and hearing the Word preached...and celebrating how God is using his people to BE the church as disciples who make disciples! Matthew 28:19-20
How can you be a part of this mission?
If you would like to learn more about being a part of a community group, or have any other questions, please send an email to Pastor Ronnie Martin:
On Sunday mornings in Ashland, we meet at 10 a.m. at 101 South street, in the old Gilbert's building (parking in the rear of building).
On Sunday evenings, our Wooster congregation meets at 5:00 pm at Cornerstone Elementary school in the Performing Arts Center. 101 W Bowman st. Wooster, Ohio
Sermons are available for downloading here: or on iTunes.
If you are interested in partnering with Substance Church financially, there is online giving set up here:
Tell your friends
facebook.comREMINDER: TONIGHT! Mid-Year Members Meeting (Ashland & Wooster Congregations) Please join us on July 17 from 7-8pm at our Ashland campus for our Mid-Year Members meeting. We'll pray and thank God together for what He has been doing at Substance, and discuss some future plans, updates, and changes! Non-members are welcome to attend, too! Child care will be provided.
"I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!" Psalm 34:1-3
Did you miss the sermon in Ashland or Wooster yesterday? Listen to Pastor Dave Harvey preach through Psalm 63:1-8 here: Pastor Ronnie Martin continued our walk through the Gospel of Mark with the sermon "Eternity in the Balance" on Mark 10:17-31:
We partnered with Ashland Main Street for the Push 'em Pull 'em Parade yesterday! This was such a fun start to the 4th of July, and a great way to serve our downtown community!
The 4th of July Push 'em Pull 'em Parade is tomorrow! Meet in front of the warehouse to join in the parade! We will be passing out candy, bubbles, and chips. This is a great way to serve our downtown community!
Check out what's happening at Substance!
Don't forget to pull out your Red, White and Blue for the Push 'Em Pull 'Em Parade this Saturday, July 1st! We will be passing out bubbles, candy and chips. Another great way to connect with the community. Meet in front of the warehouse!
"We need to behold the glory of Christ. So that we have eyes to see, ears to listen and hearts that are moved to mission." Pastor Ronnie Listen here:
A little rain couldn't stop the Ashland All Community Group BBQ!
Join us this Wednesday at 6:30 pm & invite a friend! Bring a side or dessert to share!
Substance Main Street Work Day!