FUEL Cycle Fitness
Indoor cycling + boxing fitness studio on the Main Line. FUEL Cycle Fitness is an indoor cycling and boxing fitness studio located in Ardmore PA. Home of the original Pedal + Punch™ workout, our classes feature high interval intensity training and cardio-burning and strength-building fitness classes. Come to cycle, come to box...or do both! Check out the site for the full schedule and a full description of our classes, which include: Boxing, Cycling, Pedal + Punch™, Pedal + Pump, Pedal + Pose... and more!
Be sure to sign up ahead of time - www.fuelcyclefitness.com
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Ride Like A Mother...with us on Sunday, May 14th at 9 a.m. for a 45-minute complimentary Mother's Day Ride! You don't have to be a mother to ride, you just have to appreciate mothers! Sign up here: http://bit.ly/ridelikeamother
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Father + daughter workout duo of the day! Awesome work Rodd + Hallie 👊🏻 #fueledup #fuelfitfam #boxingfitness #mainlinefitness
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Because Jen Cohen Crompton's handwritten paintings were no longer cutting it! 😂 #movingonup #indoorcycling #boxingfitness
Solidcore Bryn Mawr
We are so excited to be a part of the first Main Line Fit Tour! Thanks to Solidcore Bryn Mawr for pulling this event together and including us in this line-up of amazing workouts and partners!
Photos from FUEL Cycle Fitness's post
Cycle + Circuit™ added to our schedule on Friday mornings at 6.30 am! Join our cycle + [HIIT] circuit on + off the bike combo class!
When Jeff + Jen finally get to train together... #fueledup 🎥 Corinne
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From goals + vision boards to FUELing your body + being mindful. From candlelight yoga + hip hop dancing to understanding nutrition + pushing yourself to stop procrastinating and make it happen. We're working to become physically fitter, financially fitter, emotionally fitter, and enhance each aspect of our lives. This is more than a fitness studio. This is more than a challenge. This is real life. And real life can be so much better when we stop counting pounds + inches and start focusing on becoming the best versions of our own selves. #fuelfit90
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So proud of our FUELFitFam running today's Philadelphia Zoo 5K! #fueledup #fuelfit90 #goalgetters
Schedule - Philadelphia Magazine
We are super excited to announce that Jen will be leading a Boxing + Beats class at this year's Be Well Philly Bootcamp (June 3rd!)!!! This is an awesome event that brings together fitness lovers from around the area and offers a variety of fitness, fun, + fantastic health resources. Check out the schedule and some of the other amazing instructors who are on the roster including Jayel Lewis and Jana Mars (Aqua Vida)! http://www.phillymag.com/bewellbootcamp/schedule/#Fitness
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They Cycled. They Circuited?! 🙃 They worked their 🍑s off! 🚴💪🏻👏🏻 #fueledup
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The perfect way to get those high vibes and Kickoff your weekend!!! Join us for Cycle + Circuit today at 4.30 pm! Work hard through 4 min alternating rounds of cycling on the bike and HIIT circuits off the bike! 🚴💪🏻💦 #mainlinefitness #fueledup
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Introducing... CYCLE + CIRCUIT! It's our new 45-minute class featuring 4 minute rounds that alternate - 4 minutes on the bike then 4 minutes off the bike for a challenging HIIT circuit, then hop back on + REPEAT! Join Sandy this Friday at 4.30 p.m. for the class kickoff! Sign up + show up - http://bit.ly/2oYazWb