Lower Merion Township
Lower Merion, "A First-Class Township," borders Philadelphia and is located in Montgomery County, Pa. It is part of the Pennsylvania "Main Line."
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The Township Zoning Hearing Board meets tonight at 7:15. http://ow.ly/ujSt30bK4ax
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Reminder: Tonight's Board of Commissioners meetings (6:50 p.m.) will STREAM LIVE at lmtv.viebit.com, as well as air live on LMTV.
Lower Merion Township's cover photo
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Committee meetings tonight, before the 7:30 Board of Commissioners meeting: Admin& HR; Building & Planning; Finance. http://ow.ly/sRFY30bK3Tk
Lower Merion Police Department
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Don't forget! Polls are open until 8 p.m.
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The Township Planning Commission meets tonight at 7. http://ow.ly/PBp230bK3lq
Merion Friends History Festival
Mark your calendars for this Saturday, May 20, for the Merion Friends History Festival, co-sponsored by the Lower Merion Historical Socety & Lower Merion Conservancy. http://ow.ly/Oiki30bk94U
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Happy Mother's Day, Lower Merion Moms!
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Happy Mother's Day, Lower Merion Moms!
The scheduled Township Open House for today has been CANCELLED due to weather.
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Vacancy Notice: Lower Merion Planning Commission. Click below for details. http://ow.ly/lD4430bG1O6