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Town Dog

201 N. Main Street, Andover, United States
Pet Service



Town Dog is an off-leash dog daycare, boarding & grooming facility in the heart of Andover, MA.   The Town Dog story begins in 2007 with a shy and special needs dog named Bodi who was afraid of people but enjoyed the company of other dogs.  So it came to be that I met Christelle who then managed a cage-free daycare and boarding service.  Bodi flourished in this off-leash environment where he socialized with dogs and staff to become a more confident dog and less fearful of people.  

The success of Bodi and the other dogs in her care led Christelle and me on a long search for the right space to open a state modern daycare, boarding and grooming facility.  Our diligence was rewarded when, in 2017, we co-founded Town Dog in Andover, MA.  

Our mission is simple:  to create a safe and fun environment for dogs to socialize, exercise and be groomed.  We are sure you won’t find a better place and better group of people to care for your dog when you are away. Truly, Town Dog is where happy dogs gather!

Please message us if you have questions or concerns.  We look forward to meeting you - Dorothy Held & Christelle Salemme, Co-Founders, Co-Owners


It’s all fun and games until someone gets sprayed by a skunk!!! Our Grooming Salon is open 7 days a week and can help you with any and all “stinky” situations, Just give us a call! ❤️ Cabot, such a good boy❤️

Game day Sunday 12.3.17

Saturday night games with Teddy and Cocoa 🏈

We like to brag about our groomers, but our salon is pretty special too. Take our tubbies... Made of fiberglass, they are quieter than stainless steel. They are elevating tubs too which helps reduce stress & fear in dogs. Dogs simply walk into the tub instead of having to navigate ramps or stairs or be lifted. This is a huge benefit for all dogs, especially our senior, special needs & large breed clients! Yep, it is pretty cool.

More Friday pics to share 😀 12/1

Outdoor fun 😊 12/1

Daycare, only better! Daycare and a groom. Have your dog enjoy a morning romp and then off to the spa... Here is Robinson after his bath in the Town Dog Grooming Salon. (Yes, in the Salon! Happy, relaxed and enjoying it.) Appointments available now 🏵️

A few more great captured moments for you to enjoy 😉 11/30

More fun pics to share 😆 11/30

Indoor and outdoor fun 😀 11/30

Enjoy the last photos of the day 😄 11/29

More great pics to share 😀 11/29
