Anderson Community
Pastor Les Baugh & Pastor Dave Honey invite you to join us at one of our convenient services 8:30 & 10:30 and our FREE breakfast at 9:45 AM every Sunday. "The little church across the street"
Adult Sunday school at 9:45; Children's church during both services; Gail Honson leads a Ladies bible study every Tuesday afternoon at 2; Pastor Dave leads a bible study every Thursday at 7 PM. Men's breakfast and Ladies lunch bunch every month. There is something for everyone.
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Sunday, July 16, 10 AM (Free Breakfast, 9 AM) Pastor Dan Woolery 'Discipleship' Join the AC Family... 2364 Balls Ferry Road, or Facebook Live as Pastor Dan shares the dynamic Word of God! :-)
We encountered Unbelievable spiritual warfare on our trip to attempt to go to Africa. Our first flight Friday morning to Dallas was shutdown with mechanical problems. We were put on another flight and rebooked to Phoenix. This flight was delayed due to mechanical problems reading the fuel levels. When we eventually arrived in Phoenix we had to go through tsa to get to our London flight which we missed. Two jet malfunctions contributed to us missing a flight. However, the greatest contributor was when the TSA agent thought that she detected something sharp in Lilly's carry-on bag at the security checkpoint. The agent set my bag to the side to inspect, Lilly waited and waited, and when the TSA agent opened her bag, she asked if Lilly had anything sharp and she said She may accidentally have a manicure set with scissors. But she did not touch anything in the bag except she pulled out Lilly's Bible and carefully inspected the front and back covers, opened the Bible and ever so slowly, went through pretty much every page, literally every page, inspecting them for "God knows what" (and He does know) Tell me, does that resemble spiritual warfare? From there, we arrived at the boarding gate, at the very moment they closed the jetway and they refused to let us on the plane! It was amazing, the jetway was still connected to the jet, but they simply refused to let us on the plane! But, that wasn't the end of the fun, no not at all! The airline lost our luggage, vanished without a trace! Mind you, we had only traveled from Sacramento to Phoenix, the first and shortest leg of our journey, but I digress... There was a possible flight the next day to London but we found we no longer had a ticket from London to Abuja Africa. So had we continued we would have been stuck in London. After waiting almost 2 hours for our luggage we explained we would come back in the morning to collect it, giving them time to find our bags. They gave us vouchers and sent us to a hotel only to find they were full. So we were shuttled to another hotel. Hungry and exhausted we fell asleep. We returned to the airport to find they didn't have or know the whereabouts of our luggage so we asked to file a claim, which they refused to do. It was then that we fully understood that we were not to go, no more pushing through the the apparent obstacles, we were not going! I then called American Airlines and they made the lost luggage claim and also have begun the claim process for a complete refund, which when received will go back in the bank for a future missions trip. There is more, but I'll let you digest this much first. We rented a car in Phoenix and set out, not on a 3 hour tour as Gilligan had, but a 26 hour drive (that is with some much needed rest stops), not trusting American Airlines to get us home without losing us as well! We got home safely and are still waiting for our luggage. Amazingly all 3 bags were only scanned when we checked in at Sacramento. To our surprise yesterday Lilly received an email from British airlines stating they are holding our luggage, evidently in London. We are still getting the run around so we have no idea when our luggage will be returned. This has been quite the adventure although not the one we planned for. We have learned among other things, sometimes during the attacks God allows we must use our spiritual armor and fight through them. But sometimes we must stop, be still and have faith in God's overall plans. For we know He uses everything for His good. Blessings! Dave and Lilly
AC Ladies: •Brown Bag Lunch •Wednesday, July 12, Noon Time for a little fun for the young and the young at heart! Come and 'doodle' and enjoy Mother's circus animal cookies and fellowship as Lynn Gillis shares about our amazing Toys From The Heart ministry - blessing 700 children in the south county, every year. Bring your smiles and bring a friend! Pastor Les :-) Lorrie Warlick Lynn Gilliss Susie Baugh Shirl Canela Sari Disney Teresa Garcia-broom Roxanna Lewis Verna Hallett Gail Gardner Amber Harvey Vivian McGinty Say Sylvia Deitz Kitty Wright Carleton Caitlin Horner Mary Ann McPike Hunter Cheryl McNearney Nadine Burgard
Pastor Les Baugh shares from Acts 2, 'In The Beginning' - PRAYER!
Let's do this! :-)
Welcome to Anderson Community! This morning Pastor Dave Honey is preaching the message for the African conference, "Surviving Spiritual Warfare!"
10 minutes and we'll be live on FB. Pastor Dave will be teaching about spiritual warfare.
Workday Cancelled! Saturday will be another scorcher. While we would like to continue with our landscape improvements, we don't want to risk anyone's health! Looks like we are in for a long, hot summer, so we'll reschedule in the fall.
Welcome to Anderson Community! Pastor Les Baugh is giving the Father's Day Message at 10:30. Happy Father's Day!q
Welcome to Anderson Community! Pastor Dave Honey is preaching out of the book of Acts this morning, and bringing a big announcement!
Watch our FB live today at 10:30 for a big announcement and Pastor Dave's message.