77 Squadron RAF Association
Our Motto: "Esse potius quam videri" ("To be, rather than to seem") Membership of the Association is open to anyone connected to or interested in 77 Squadron RAF.
See our website for an application form and more details: http://77squadron.org.uk/
Tell your friends
facebook.comBill Foote's funeral is on 22nd January. The church service is at Alnmouth village church at 10.45 then at the Blyth crematorium at 12.15. There are refreshments afterwards back at Alnmouth at the golf club. Please let us know if you plan to attend so that we can let Bill's daughter know ahead of time for the catering arrangements.
RIP Our President Bill Foote, DFC who sadly died today
It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of our President, Bill Foote. He had been in and out of hospital for some time with many problems, but he will be very sadly missed. When we find out the funeral details, I will let you know. RIP William Foote, DFC.
Ted Matthews funeral is on Thursday 7 December: 11am at Amersham Crematorium followed by a few drinks etc in Aylesbury. All are welcome but David would appreciate RSVPs. If you are not connected with David but would like to pay your respects to Ted, you can let us know if you plan to attend via messages on this page.
In today's York Press: a tribute to 77
We are sad to hear from David Matthews that his father, Edward (Ted) Matthews, passed away peacefully today at Florence Nightingale Hospice aged 92. A cheerful and kindly presence at our reunions until recently, Ted was a Flt Engineer flying ops from Full Sutton 1944 -1946. He had stories to tell, was proud to be a member of 77 and we were proud to know him. Our condolences to his family. We will miss him greatly. The photo shows him at Elvington, at the Yorkshire Air Museum's Allied Air Forces Memorial day in 2014, with David and daughter in law, Liz.
If you have photographs taken at the September reunion, please either post them here or send to us at info@77squadron.org.uk. We would love to see them and use them on the website and in the next newsletter. Thank you!
A wonderful weekend of friendship and memories. Here are a few photographs from the reunion in Elvington.
It is our Annual Reunion this weekend. One of our attendees is a new member from Denmark, Anders Staarup. For the last ten years or so, Anders, a former history teacher, has been researching the more than 1,000 Allied airmen shot down and buried in Denmark. He has created a searchable database and website. We look forward to welcoming him to Elvington.
Last chance to book for the annual reunion in Elvington on 16-17 September. Please message us if you would like a form. This may be our final one at Elvington so it promises to be a good one.
Have you booked for the Annual Reunion yet? In addition to the film we shall be showing, there is to be an unveiling of a HUGE painting dedicated to 77. Place: Yorkshire Air Museum and Allied Air Forces Memorial. Weekend of 16-17 September. Details from info@77squadron.org.uk
Can anyone help us find the relatives of Flight Sgt Maurice Clive Eddleston (from Blackpool) and Flying Officer Arthur Wood (from Stockport)? They crashed into the sea the night of 14 Feb 1945. The Danes honour their memory and have sent this photo to the British Embassy in Copenhagen. Here's the letter sent to the Association: "We have received today photographs and a letter from the Chairman of the Church Council of North West Falster (on the island of Zealand), Mr Gunnar V. Huge and a member of the Church Council Mr Kaj Hansen. The photos were taken in Brarup Cemetery, on Denmark’s Liberation Day 5 May 2017, when every year, Denmark celebrates and ceremonies are held throughout the country when the British and Commonwealth men who lost their lives in the name of freedom are remembered. "The letter asks if the photographs could be forwarded to relatives/families of the Halifax RAF crew : Flight Sgt Maurice Clive Eddleston and Flying Officer Arthur Wood. (The Halifax mk III MZ924 crashed into the sea.) "Flight Sgt Maurice Clive Eddleston (found on the beach by Guldborg on “Vilhelmsdals” and buried by the Priest, Palle Bartholin on 13 April 1945 . Flying Officer Arthur Wood was found on Alstrup beach on 24 April 1945 and buried two days later by the same Priest." FROM: Susan Thamdrup l Deputy Director Planning & Liaison-Defence | British Embassy Copenhagen