Gillamoor Game
Gillamoor Game, producers of top quality Pheasant, Partridge and Duck from the edge of the north Yorkshire moors.
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facebook.comAm falling behind with setting sheds up with the bad weather have couple of weeks work if anyone wants it .Its all outdoors if weather to bad I call it a day so you need to be local
Pig sick of rain and snow and mud going on holiday hopefully be dry when I get back .Prices should be same as last season .Will be back in March.
Still have some partridges left anyone fancy good deal
Have 8000 birds ready 1st week in July blackneck crosses still have some mallard left ready 2nd week in July there are 5000 pheasants 1 st week in August all British birds all grass reared and most important from closed flock .
Just reading new rules on bird flu scary stuff looking at it we are ahead of the game new netting sealed water systems closed flocks slatted flooring not sure about the foot dips can,t see wife putting her flip flops in to Jeyes fluid at every shed. Two months till first chicks are here fingers crossed it all calms down before then.
Chinko Project
Time once again to think about the rearing season. The gap between the shooting season and the rearing season seems to get shorter every year. I hope the birds have done well for you and you have had a good season, I have not had any reports of problems. It certainly pays to have chicks from a closed flock. Some very large shoots have had major problems with bulgy eye thankfully, not our customers. You will have heard the sad news with the bird flu at Hi Fly. Very sad for the Holden family and all their staff. We have been buying partridge and duck from them for a few years now and sadly are forced to look for new suppliers for this year. We should be ok, but everyone seems to be over reacting at the moment. We will know more in next couple of weeks. The pheasants will be normal delivery dates. Partridge and ducks might vary a bit. Let’s hope there are no more cases. I have been working on a few new things for this year, mainly on feed additives. It’s about £3.50 a ton extra, but has been reported to help control enteritis without using antibiotics. We will let you know if it works out, if it does you may want to try it in your food. I am going to have to raise some prices, hopefully not much. We will be able to tell you better in few weeks’ time. Fuel is creeping up which raises the price of propane. Grain has gone up which will add to feed prices. As you know nobody will quote you a price till later on in the year. We are constantly working and inventing new ways to keep the price down without compromising on quality, but sadly the raising fuel and shifting prices of grain are out of our control. The price for shot birds is a disaster. We have a plucking machine, wax tank and tray wrapper mounted in a trailer. If any of our customers want to use it you are more than welcome, it’s better than giving them away for nothing. Lastly we have the chance to go see our son in Africa, he is working at Have a look where we are going. Be good see what he is up to. We will be away at the end of February. We will be back 1st March if we don’t get eaten or shot. We look forward to talking to you soon. Peter & Vicky Simpson
Sad news for Hi Fly Game Farm looks as if all their stock is to be culled because of the bird flu .They are one of the largest producers in UK devastating news for the Holden families and all their staff.
Sad news for Hi Fly Game Farm looks as if all their stock is to be culled because of the bird flu .They are one of the largest producers in UK devastating news for the Holden families and all their staff.
Ordered new nets for rearing field its lot easier spending money than making it. Bit worried bird flu thingy might be problem later on need to be sure nothing can get in.
Just ordered £80,000 of chicks on 3 of january bloody scary hope you all come back with your orders
Happy New Year to customers old and new will be in touch soon
Seeping 20,000 out tonight looking at weather giving weather warnings for thunderstorms might give up pheasant farming be a on line gambler instead less risky.