Richard Smith Car Sales
Richard Smith new and used cars, specialist in We buy and sell used cars please contact me on01905 456880 or mobile 07889 516583.
55 years experience
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facebook.comWe wish everyone a great Xmas and a fantastic new year please keep the jokes and photos coming it's been a great year so to all are friends on face book all are relation those who are talking to us and those who not have a great time
Hello to everyone If you are looking for cars please just ring me 07889516583 or home 01905456880 We carry a small selection of great cars just ring Richard
Story we longer use are site we advertise on gumtree or face book we only deal in top cars at sensible prices We decline 90% of cars offered to us or you can ring me on 07889516583 or my home 01905456880 to see what we got Have a great day Richard
African Soul
We no longer use our web site we use other sites Please ring us to discuses are fantastic rang of cars We are very sorry this has taken some time but I been ill but 2017 is a new year We wish all are friends and customer a very very great new year You can ring us anytime 07889516583
Photos from Richard Smith Car Sales's post
Relaxing with a nice glass of wine