Miller & Carter Penn
We put everything in to pursuing the perfect steak, here at Miller & Carter Penn, it's our passion.
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facebook.comOur pesto crusted sea bass on a bed of crushed new potatoes 👌 #Mondaymotivation #Beautifulbass #Lunchspiration #Goonthen 📸: Instagram - vickyslimmingworld_
It's hard not to feel the love when you're staring at each other over a beautiful medium rare Chateaubriand.... #Valentines #MakenomisSteaks #Meatyouthere #Loveiseasierwithsteak #Datenightsteaknight ** Our Valentines menu will be running between the 12th-15th February**
It's still technically Christmas right? #Festivefeast #Treatyourself #Nojudgementhere #Christmasbellyjoy 📸: Instagram - brigh_tie
Team Penn on our final festive Friday before the big guy comes #Festivefridayfeeling #Wereinthespirit #Nearlythere #Teamgoals
Due to cancellations we have some new limited availability for Christmas day tables 🎄 Please private message us with your potential party size and a contact telephone number and our Christmas co-ordinator will be in touch!
Every day should be a crème brûlée day #Alwaysroomforpudding #Christmastreats 📸: Instagram- Shanlorna
Oh my steak! That is one beautiful plate of well bred, full of flavour steak 😍 #Steakglorioussteak #Forgetturkey #Millernight? 📸: Instagram - imark_40
#Morecosydaysplease #Sundaygoals #Cosycocktaildate 📸: Instagram: amijane19
Answer your Christmas present prayers (and maybe sneak a cheeky steak in while your at it 😉) Gift cards available over the bar now #Christmaspresentmission #Betterthanbravingtheoutdoors #Cheekysteakforme #Giftforyou
Ahhhhh and relax #Coffeebythefire #Ourhappyplace #Schoolsopenyet?
The fires roaring and so is the grill! We're open as usual today and what better way to warm up than with a massive steak and a big glass of whatever takes your fancy #Snowdaysteakday #Babyitscoldoutside