Tettenhall Transport Heritage Centre
The TTHC is the first Transport museum in the City of Wolverhampton. Run by the community for the community.
Open for visitors 10am-4pm Saturdays and Sundays The first transport museum in the City of Wolverhampton. Run by the Community for the Community Open 10 am to 4 pm every Saturday and Sunday
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As Wolverhampton's only industrial museum we are becoming the repository for some wonderful and eclectic items. In the last three weeks we have been given the anemometer from the top of Pendeford Airport's control tower, a Ghurkha Kukri knife, the signed football from John McAlle's testimonial match, a plaque from a Wolverhampton Gas Works Gasometer, a wheel from the Apollo 14 mission, a clockwork shaver, a WW II child's gas mask in its cardboard box, a OO Gauge model of Tettenhall & Newbridge Garage, and much more. We just don't know what will come through the door next.
Boulton Paul Aircraft
Photos from Tettenhall Transport Heritage Centre's post
Two stunning visitors today in the shape of SNG Barratt's E-Type and Geoff Holdcroft's Morgan. Geoff was bringing us the anemometer which used to be on the top of Wolverhampton Airport's control tower, rescued by his father, Fred when the tower was demolished.
Photos from Tettenhall Transport Heritage Centre's post
Salvaged historic gasholder plaque finds new home at The Wolverhampton Society Date: 28 08 2019 A historic plaque has been donated to The Wolverhampton Society to remember the heritage of a former gasholder site in the city. Changes in gas storage mean gasholders are no longer needed and National Grid dismantled two disused structures at its Mammoth Drive site in Wolverhampton earlier this year. The plaque will be a lasting reminder of previous technology and will be become part of the Society’s archives. On accepting the manufacturer’s plaque from National Grid, Claire Darke, Mayor of Wolverhampton and Treasurer at The Wolverhampton Society, said: “It’s important we remember the city’s rich industrial past and preserve it as much as we can for posterity and the heritage interest of future generations. Salvaging the manufacturer’s plaque is a fitting way to do this and my thanks go to the Tettenhall Transport Heritage Centre for storing and displaying the plaque for the Wolverhampton Society.” Jonathan King, Safety, Health and Environment Manager at National Grid, added: “We place great importance on, and invest significant resources in identifying, recording and sharing our industrial heritage. Now the two gasholders have been removed from the site, we wanted to give something back to the city, and the plaque will act as a physical reminder of Wolverhampton’s rich industrial past.” National Grid used specialist contractors, Birmingham-based DSM Demolition Group, to dismantle the two structures at Mammoth Drive. Each gasholder was approximately 12m high, about the same height as five telephone boxes, and 52m wide, the width of around four buses. They were constructed of five walled layers of metal and jointly weighed around 1,700 tonnes. It’s understood one of the gasholders dated back to the late 1930’s and the other between 1948-1950. Anyone with questions can contact National Grid’s Community Relations team on 0800 073 1047, available daily from 7am to 7pm. Pictured (l to r): Claire Darke, Mayor of Wolverhampton and Treasurer at The Wolverhampton Society, Jon King, Safety, Health and Environment Manager at National Grid, Matt Sprayson, Director, DSM and Alec Brew, Curator at Tettenhall Transport Heritage Centre Sarah Glass
The C & W Walker cast iron plaque is now down to bare metal, ready for painting.
We have taken custody of a cast iron plaque from the former Wolverhampton Gas Works, thanks to DMS Demolition and Claire Darke of the Wolverhampton Society. The plaque says 'C & W Walker Ltd, Midland Ironworks, Donnington, Shropshire, Contractors. A H Cranmer M.Inst.Ga E. Chief Engineer. 1931' And the Gas Works does have a historic connection with transport history in Wolverhampton, the World Altitude Record set by a coal-gas filled balloon in 1857
Andrew Gould has built for us a superb model of Wolverhampton and Newbridge Motor Services garage which used to be on the corner by the lights at the bottom of the Rock, now much modified and occupied by Majestic Wine, We shall be installing it on our OO Gauge layout of tettenhall Station,
Photos from Tettenhall Transport Heritage Centre's post
Succesful market today, thanks for all who came, and a nice visitor in a Willys Jeep. Also a very nice donation in the form of a Ghurkha Kukri knife, an armour-piercing shell and a tankard awarded to their owner, a Major in the REME
Natt's Emporium of Art
Sunday 18th we have a bric-a brac and craft market all day. Still a few spaces for stalls.
Photos from Tettenhall Transport Heritage Centre's post
Further to our acquisition of a 'Moon Wheelbarrow wheel', here are some pictures of it on the Moon and on Earth beforehand. Of course ours is not from the Modular Equipment Transporter actually taken to the Moon by Apollo 14, they left that there, ours is from a trainer, which actually had two wheels and was pulled by the astronauts, and nicknamed the Moon Rickshaw. The tyres were inflated with nitrogen to 1.5 psi. They were made by Goodyear USA not in Wolverhampton
Photos from Tettenhall Transport Heritage Centre's post
Our new Goodyear tyres were put on display, they include a 'Lunar Tyre' and wheel, from the Apollo 14 Modular Equipment Transporter, the 'Moon Wheelbarrow' used on Apollo 14, at least the trainer version, Goodyear made the wheels for this and the Lunar Rover used on Apollo 15, 16 and 17. We also received from Nick Nicholls, the football from John McAlle's Testimonial signed by the Wolves and England team's who took part. Progress on both sides of the Balliol restoration continued
Fun day out with all our friends #fundaysout #halftermfun #rosieandrambo #frenchbulldog #staffordshirebullterrier #blue #cross #frenchiecross #frenchielove #frenchie #staffy #dogs #dogsofinstagram #instadog
Went for a mini adventure today
Getting to grips with plane controls...
Our first ever event! Come and visit us @cupcake.lane in Tettenhall behind Majestic Wines #craft #wolverhampton #sunny #familyday #tettenhall
Pilot Raj #plane#pilotlife#tettenhall
View from the cockpit.
#Wolverhampton #tettenhalltransportheritagecentre
Transport & Heritage Centre was a bit rubbish but pretty! ☀️☀️☀️
Honestly, has a more beautiful car ever existed? One day, when I hit my midlife crisis, maybe I'll get one... Probably not though.