Tots Tower
Welcome to Tots Tower! An activity play center for children aged 0 years through to 5 years, located in the town center in the Winsford clock tower.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS*Competition 2* When you visit take a pic of your little tot in our police station and post it below... or post it to the Tots Tower page. Mention us by putting @totstower and dont forget to like the page :) WIN: A 2 week pass to play with us for free : unlimited use! We will take all the names that post the pics and put them into a draw. Competition ends 15th August :)
Getting ready for the winner of the last cometition to visit and claim her prize.. What did she win? - a free play for her children - a tot box with suprise egg, fruitshoot and crisps And most importantly a tea/coffee for each parent!
*Super Hero Alert* All little tots who come dressed up as their fave superhero on Saturday will be entered into a competition to win a FREE play!
We are now open Tuesdays - YAY!
Please dont forget we are closee sundays apart from private parties!
Who wants a new competition? Hit like now :) When we get to 200 likes on this post we will announce it.. and its a good one!
Winner for July Competition #Totstower
Looking for something to do today come on down we are open as usual :) Free Tea or Coffee for any parent after 1pm as a gift from us to you!
So much going on and it's not even 10 in the morning. Loving the dinosaur theme! Loving the clothes! #splat #tottastic
Thanks to Inneka Cork from mummy social for bringing her mummy friends to visit us today .. looking forward to more visits :)