K T Tuition
Based in The Pottery, Market Place, Whitehaven, we are a tuition service and education centre. See http://www.kttuition.co.uk :-)
Tell your friends
facebook.comDon't forget our enrolment day tomorrow for GCSE maths, English and biology. 11am to 3pm. Just pop along to enquire if you like.
GCSE Course Enrolment Session
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I spy K T Tuition...long before K T Tuition! 😊
Please note that there is no apprenticeship available with us at the moment, and I am sorry for anyone that CUMBRIA TRAINING COMPANY has falsely sent to an 'interview' for ourselves at People First or Lakes College. We know nothing about these 'interviews' and have nothing to do with them.
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Our new website is up and running today! www.kttuition.co.uk
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Testimonials wanted please! We are about to launch our new website, and are looking for testimonials from current and past students/parents. If you have received tuition or undertaken a course through us, please could you either leave a comment below or message us? Thank you 😊
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One of our guitar students, Rachel. What a voice 😊
We are pleased to announce that we will also be delivering another GCSE Biology course in September, with exam in June 2017. :-)