Aniamazon is a concern that gives 75% of all income made on the site to help animals in distress. This includes stray dogs and cats, donkeys, bullfighting, dog fighting etc. We get our income from Amazon and other businesses who donate every time you shop on their site. Please before going to Amazon, go to Aniamazon first and click on the Amazon button. By shopping this way, you are also helping to save, feed and stop cruelty.
Please tell all your friends and ask them to tell theirs. The amount of animals that need your help is immense. Orangutans, bears in China, jaguars even polar bears are all in need of your help. If you wish to donate money, please go to Aniamazon and click on donate, 100% of this donation will go to help. We will publish the amount of income and the amount of money paid out to help animals every two months.
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