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Steve Bridgeman - Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

Gym and Tonic, Tewkesbury, United Kingdom



Tewkesbury based Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach I train a range of clients with unique and individual needs. I will only take on clients who are dedicated and committed to training towards their goals, I will also only take on clients if I feel I have the skills and experience to help them. This is a principle I have upheld for the last 10 years.

I do not give people "fad diets" or generic meal plans. I prefer to coach people at a level that I feel is specific to them. I do not sell nutritional products, herbs, lotions or magic pills. So please do not contact me about the next lucrative business opportunity selling special powders, my clients eat food!

I work with people who have previously feared weight training, they fear it wil make them grow massively overnight....many people get stronger without weight gain (they also look awesome too!)

I have a particular interest in getting people moving well, and retaining this ability outside the gym. Health and performance will always take priority.

If you have any question please give me a call or contact me through or via email



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