Award-winning SW London housing association aiming to provide the best customer service in the UK. We're here 9-5 on weekdays - let's chat!
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facebook.comWe‘re doing all that we can to keep you safe from fire. You can help by making sure personal items aren't stored in electrical cupboards on our estates: it’s a very serious fire risk and the cupboards belong to us. Anything left inside will be removed without notice.
Introducing super search: designed to give you instant answers to RHP-related questions at any time of day, from any place: http://help.rhp.org.uk/site/ Once your answer pops up you can rate it - so we'll know how useful you've found the response and tweak it if needed. We'd love you to give this a go and let us know what you think.
60 minute home safety makeover! As you’ll know Gas and Electrical safety checks have to be carried out by us to ensure your home is as safe as possible. The gas check is particularly important to help minimise the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and the electrical test is important to minimise the risk of fire. If you receive any communication from us requesting either of these checks, please make sure you allow access to your home to have the check completed .We can work with you to book an appointment that’s convenient for you.
Have you joined our Facebook group yet? My RHP is a way for customers to provide feedback on specific topics relating to our service. We post questions on things like repairs, caretaking and innovations and we'd love to hear from you. We'll take all comments about our service on board - good and bad - and use them to improve where we can. www.facebook.com/groups/MyRHP Our customer service managers Edward and Perry are hosting a live Q&A session on My RHP tomorrow at 4pm. Got a question? Post it here and we'll get you an answer.
Join our customer service managers Edward and Perry on our Facebook group, MyRHP, for a live Q&A. Ask them your service-related questions and get an answer in real time: www.facebook.com/groups/MyRHP Please note: so we can protect everyone's privacy we won't be able to discuss specific queries relating to your home. For these, please continue to message us through our main Facebook page.
Thanks to some of you for voting in our poll and letting us know what you'd like to see for the first Facebook Live of 2018. You asked for a discussion with our customer service managers, so we'll be hosting one on our closed Facebook group, MyRHP, next Wednesday. You'll be able to ask us general questions about our service and get an answer in real time. To join My RHP, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/MyRHP. Please note: so we can protect everyone's privacy we won't be able to discuss specific queries relating to your home. For these, please continue to message us through our main Facebook page.
Here’s our final look back. We think you’ll agree Linda is a total legend! Now we want to look ahead to the future. We loved hearing about your fellow customer complements so much throughout the Christmas Star awards process that we want to highlight your customer heroes all year round. Look out for more on this coming soon...
Our first trip down ‘Christmas star award’ memory lane is Vanessa’s award-winning entry. Very well done Vanessa!
Well done to Claire from Twickenham: the latest winner of our text survey prize draw. She’s won £250 in amazon vouchers. Next time you book a repairs appointment or make a payment online you might receive a quick survey about what you think about our service. The text surveys are super quick to complete and won’t cost you a penny.
We’re feeling like a special #ThrowbackThursday is in order today as we send out the prizes for the Christmas star awards. Here’s a sneaky peak at what our champions have got to look forward to receiving. Watch this space throughout today as we’ll be highlighting why the winners were awarded in the first place.
It’s beginning to look a lot like post-Christmas! Here’s some guidance from our friends at London Borough of Richmond upon Thames to help safely recycle your Christmas tree. Collections will be on a specific day between Monday 8 January and Friday, 19 January. They will not collect the tree if: it’s still decorated, the tree is plastic/not real, the tree is in soil or a pot/stand.
What a tree-mendous #TuesdayTransformation that’s taken place at Chertsey Court. Big thanks to Simon, Nick and Scott for planting these lovely looking shrubs. We’re looking forward to watching them grow throughout the year. What are you looking forward to in 2018? We’d love to know in the comments!
Witchcraft 🎃

Never before have I cried at a cake

Shoot of the day; #cameraoperator at #rhp The Art of Innovation for @da_films #canon #shootoftheday

Just do what the laser dolphin says an innovate (I made this for fun...)

Lunchtime friend. #tootsie #cat

Great day filming for @hexdigital yesterday! Good to get the #DJIRonin out for this one! Currently in the edit now! 📷 @ryan_k_h #fs7 #cinematography #filmproduction

Lovely little thank you gift of adventure-themed goodies on my desk this morning - thank you expert gift giver @alexandra_marsh! (Also: jelly beans. Nailed it.) #traveltuesday #DiscoverMore

I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle...#DiscoverMore

Glowing desk @8wr

We’re enjoying this month’s @PeopleMgt, especially as our Exec Director of Corporate Services Amina is in there talking about HR’s changing role. Check it out on page 35.
